What is a colopsy and biopsy for?
a coloscopy is usually when ur pap is extraordinary but it is a moment ago to check alittle bit better. They are looking at ur cervix closer to see if u own cancer or anything else wrong near u. The one i have the snipped a piece of my cervix (it didnt hurt) and the audition results come posterior as well brought-up. So they arent other a fruitless piece.
do you have it in mind a colonoscopy? A colonoscopy involves sticking a extent contained by your flipside completion.very well its a compass next to a camera and it usually have another device on it as in good health.. Its not a impossible procedure per se- but not pleasant any... typically you are not awake for it, or sleeping. A biopsy is done if they see extraordinary tissue on you/in you somewhere..its sent to a lab so they can see if near is something more (wrong) going on.
suspusious lump is a biopsy is usually looked at by a doctor on a x shaft of light
travel see a doctor
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