I am currently suffering with abdominal cramp like pain and am getting a greenish stringy vaginal discharge.?

Last year an anaerobic germs be found contained by some laboratory test and i be treated near a course of Flagyl.As the symptoms persist i terminated up have to appropriate 3 courses contained by the bring to a close resulting beside clear results contained by april.during this time i have numerous urine infections(only one question paper showed that i have an infection however!)and re-occurring vaginal thrush.I have a tot 20 months ago and be not a hundred percent shortly after the birth for 3 weeks beside an unknown infection and hold feel unwell near gynacological and abdominal problems ever since.I enjoy a history of gallbladder/stones and coeliac disease surrounded by the family circle also.My finishing lot of standard blood test come subsidise pretty moral but that be contained by april and since after the abdominal cramp and vaginal discharge have come hindmost.Pleasecan you back,i be aware of completely tired and depressed from these ongoing problems.thankyou

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You necessitate to get hold of to the doctor. Now. You probably enjoy an infection.

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ur probably getting ur interval thats what

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See a doctor fast.

ummmm sooo hellllp?

Well any green discharge from anywhere isn't dutiful. See your doctor and tolerate them know what is going on.

ladies when you go to the gynocologist?

sounds similar to pelvic inflammatory disease. This occur beside repeated urinary infections/vaginal infections. You should jump to the doctor and enjoy you discharge cultured so appropriate antibiotics can be administered.

After Sex..?

Some populace only just hold ongoing ailments to contend near, it isn't atypical. Diet is other a angelic place to start, own you have any warning give or take a few persuaded food allergies from your Dr. so far? Your body is also readjusting to after have a little one. Hormones level are varying wager on and that take some time for your emotion. Hope you consistency better soon.

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Sounds approaching an infection, again. Green discharge is sign of infection and you should wish medical comfort. I can see you are frustrated, as all right you should be. However, ignore a problem such as this will with the sole purpose clear things worse. Good luck to you
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