My family has a history of colon cancer.?

and I'm stressed because I single poop once a week, if even.
What should I do?

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I would conspicuously recommend incorporating more fiber into your diet. Kashi cereal are great for that. Also, try consumption cold milled flax kernel. Whole grain are also upright. Make sure that you stay hydrated. Take it smooth on the red meat. It's really righteous that you make out that this is a problem and you're trying to face it precipitate! You should also tell to your doctor in the region of your concerns and see what he/she recommend!

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Same here- both my dad and grandpa own survived colon cancer- im exceedingly nervos and elevated risk.

travel to the doctor and acquire a colonoscipy. Its kinda gross but it could amass you natural life if within are problems.

appropriate luck

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My mother died of colon cancer...its a cruel ailment. If you are serious than you call for to adaptation your diet lifestyle comepletly.

You should start by making sure your drink your 8 goggles of sea a sunshine and chomp through a dignified fiber diet. Rasin bran is a great start everyday. You can also shift to your local drug store and do the colon cleansing diet to hop start you. You should also start working out and going to the gym
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