Please backing!! My interval.?
presently it only started today! im 14 and have it since 2006
I dont know if this is normal or what! please abet!
Answers: its most certainly usual, i had like peas in a pod problem when i was your age and totally freeked out cos i be on my perios so young, although its freshly hormones etc playing up, as you get elder your period shape will be more predictable, try not to worry! if you are though see your doctor, it will put your mind at reduce! but i reassure you its very adjectives and normal. :) hope i help a little bit
your still young at heart and your body hasnt gotten into a pattern but dont worry it will hold a few months for it to come on a normal basis- I know sometimes mine would be here one month afterwards wouldnt an then as i get older it be more regular, dont stress over it! Periods are sporadic, especially when you first begin them. However, immediately that you have begin this stage in your life span, it is time for you to start seeing an OBGYN. They are specialists that will answer any questions you own regarding your womanly genitalia, as well as any sexual issues that arise surrounded by the future. They serve an even greater purpose, because they will open giving you routine annual examinations. These are extremely necessary, because, it is such an major and complex area of a woman's body.