How come you're on the same menstrual cycle as the women around you when you hang out together often?


I never have my term and sex give a hand plz read the ask thankz so much!?

Everyone emit pheromones, which are the chemicals that we use for physical attraction. When women are around respectively other frequently, their period synchronize because of the pheromones emit during the menstrual cycle. The biological reason for this are not completely contained, but probably move about rear legs to prehistoric humans, and it be somehow beneficial for women to be fertile at one and the same time.

all of my friends(that are girls!) own longer period than me?

For the survival of the species - if adjectives a manly's potential partner be fertile at like peas in a pod time later the luck of a successful conception are that much highly developed. This is from the time when one masculine would hold a complete bunch of females.

Pheromones sustain the women get hold of within synch.

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We own notice at work that we adjectives give the impression of being to "gain tagged". If someone comes to work sooner or later next to their length we adjectives will bring ours too the subsequent daylight. Some times it can really throw your cycle bad. I be thinking nearby may be a principle for it, and hold looked at some websites trying to find out. I mostly am beside my women coworkers adjectives the time. I can hang about to see if anyone know why.

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