Is this majority? Have you ever experienced this?

A few days ago my period started. I be at school when it did and I know that soon I'll feel the cramps and twinge ( like I other do that time of month) so I left for home , but on my process home I suddenly felt dizzy and contained by a few minutes I found myself unable to pace. My vision be getting worse too so I sat down on some stairs for a while. This state soon go away, but it scared me cuz I never experienced smth approaching this before. Dos this own smth to do with my interval as I think it does?

Answers:    This be most likely cause due to the pooling of blood for your oncoming menstrual cycle, which restricted the blood flow, and thus the oxygen to the brain. Oxygen is carried to the brain through your blood stream. Less blood=less oxygen. You should monitor this symptom as you approach your next few cycles to determine if the symptom reoccurs. If it does, formulate sure you don't operate a vehicle or do anything else physically that could endanger your or someone else. If the symptom doesn't go away, see your doctor.
I can honestly articulate that this never happened to me earlier. Yes, it does have to do near it, when you get your interval you lose alot of blood, and if you dont eat ably, you will get dizzy, freshly make sure you drink alot of sea, and eat sound, you will be ok.
idk but get of the computer and budge see your doctor is it that complicated to get it contained by your head i cogitate not Dont worry too much hun, It happen to me around that time, Just go and check next to your doctor too make sure its nil big, usually I just lay down for a bit and stay still for a while I also soak within the tub too help my legs. A small snack help me too and some cold water. This can also develop if you are too hungry. Good luck! I hope this was effective.
Yes, it was probably due to your time. There's all kind of crazy hormonal things going on at that time, and we all own different reactions to it.

But it's unpleasant, and not really run of the mill to feel dizzy and blurry. So, you should bring it up near a doctor. It could be that you're having some atypical migraines or mild anemia, and it would be a honourable idea to attain checked. It could be as simple as taking an an iron supplement.

Hope you're feeling better!
powerfully.. it hasn't happened to me but it have to one of my friends so its not JUST you... but i would go see someone roughly speaking it. it could be that you have low blood pressure. i sometimes enjoy that when i get up within the morning but its cause my blood pressure is low. I would step to a doctor and find out if it has anything to do beside TSS. Symptoms of Toxic Shock Syndrome would be dizziness,vomiting, diarrhea, sudden fever, and a impetuous that looks like a sunburn. It is a severely rare syndrome but women do draw from it, only if you use tampons though.
It happen to me sometimes, not all times. One time it happen to me so bad from an hour. I get hot flashes, dizziness, nasuea etc.I couldn't believe it but then it go away an hour later after some rest. So I'd voice it's normal sometimes because I'm fine. I'd stir to the doctor just to catch it checked out - it's probably just to do beside your hormones or something...

I did just want to make the addition of as well - someone said that it could be because you lose profoundly of blood when you're on your period - you don't!! You lone lose approx 30ml (which is about 2 tablespoons)! So don't frenzy - your dizziness won't be due to restricted oxygen to your brain or lack of blood circulation!

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