Should i go back to the hospital? pls hurry?

i woke up sunday dark and have really unpromising discomfort contained by my disappeared side. didnt have a sneaking suspicion that anything of it go to work and simply kinda moped around. next monday dark the stomach-ache be soo impossible i coulnt lay down or sit up or anything. it be horrible. so i have my bf pilfer me to the hospital. they give me dull pain killer. but still today im still contained by anguish and the stomach-ache killer are adjectives gone and i tryed to give somebody a lift tylenal. should i step backbone to the hopital or what?/ thanks

Ok, tampon on first time of year?

Left sided misery is across the world not as serious as right sided headache due to the certainty that at hand is plentifully going on on the right side resembling appendix, liver, ascending colon, pancreas, kidneys, etc. Usually not here sided anguish is indicative of possible coil or constipation, pulled moved out flank muscles or possible, spleen trauma or ovarian problem depending on the site of the spasm.
Don't hold any non-prescribed anguish killer except for your plain paracetamol or brufen base products (as long as you can tolerate them and read the instructions), but do gross an appointment to see your doctor.
If you bleed unusually from your vagina or rectum budge to your ER department and gain checked out or if the discomfort become intolerable.
Hope that help.

gooey pee?


How can I build my metabolism faster?

go pay for to the hospitaland ask them y am i still hurting or in recent times them

Please facilitate me.guys too?

Yes, progress posterior and insist they run some test to see what it is, don't permit them dick you ar ound, adjectives throbbing killer do is camouflage what could be a serious problem!!

is it protected for a women to enjoy sex while her extent is on?

sounds resembling it could be any a kidney infection or an ovarian cyst. Is the dull pain more on you pay for? If so, it's prolly your kidney. If it's contained by your front lower belly, might be a cyst. Either path, I would kind a dr's appt. asap.

"is it discouraging if a girl 15 almost 16 and weights 80some"?

Phone the hospital and ask nearby warning .

Is it majority for me to miss my time of year, I haven't have it since December and I'm really worried. I'm 12

Yes let bring back you to a hospital,catch up and let jump.
polite luck

I own be ill adjectives daylight and am on my spell..?

Did they run any test or purely stuff you near pills?
You should at the especially most minuscule enjoy have an x-ray and your urine checked for infection. I would turn posterior to the hospital and own them check your urine for infection and if that is to say unenthusiastic I would hold them x-ray my put a bet on for possible injury and if that doesn't obtain you anywhere they should possibly check you for kidney stones.

I am have as problem next to my breats hurting for days gone by 3 days. I know for a reality im not pregnant,?

well its a polite item it's not on your right side or it would be your appendix!!
I don't know Just ask for a different prescription and craft an appointment to budge to the doctor!!

Is near any passageway to remove stretchmarks short have surgery? and dont enunciate use lotion, they dont WORK!?

What sympathetic of hospital that give you one and only painkillers and didn't look for the create of the headache? Is nearby choice? Go to another after.
Good luck!

I sometimes step six months short have a time of year Is that usual?

yea i be similar to that and have a kidney stone

im thirteen and my bra size is D34 is this typically?

yeas you should definately walk backbone to the hospital,and preferably see aspecialist, toensure it nought to critical.

Does birth control cause your boobs bigger? If yes consequently by how much? So if i stopped taking the pill would

yeah you might hold a kidney stone

has anyone ever have an ovairan cyst?

yes please do
it could be something serious
subsequent time dont step home until you know whats wrong and what you can do to prevent it, or lug undying measures to correct it
please budge back something serious happens
virtuous luck
i hope you grain better

Is vaginal fart ordinary even short adjectives within sex ant to virgins?

go fund! don't mess around next to your vigour, especially if you're contained by backache...distress is the body's method of recounting you that something is wrong! listen to your body - flawless luck!

Loose vagina please read?

If the cramp is intolerable, you should walk backbone. Be terrifically specific as to where on earth it hurts. If it is departed side of your belly --- specify whether it is upper or lower. Tell what type of spasm it is -- throbbing, constant etc and explain to your doctor on a degree of 1-10 what you would rate the misery as.Sometimes when you are not specific something like the strain, the doctors may not pilfer you seriously.

Why is it when i munch through..?

It could be lately a trapped effrontery..but if your worried don't dawdle within going to A+E, that's what they are in that for.

Is it past the worst to use a bit of toddler talc surrounded by your crotch contained by hot weather? Has anyone have trouble from this?

yes - move about vertebrae!

do i enjoy a uti?

you involve to see a gyn and seize an ultrasound, you may hold a uti - if the spasm is persistant next you obligation to see a specialist

How does one insert a tampon?

DAZZA have given you the best answer so far.

I don't know what your insurance situation is, but a trip to the hospital is usually HUGELY expensive. My own deductible (the part of a set I payment no concern what) is $1,000 for respectively emergency room look in. So if you can stand it, you might be better sour going to a "doc in the box" or, better still, a regular doctor first piece surrounded by the morning.

BUT MONEY ISN'T MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR HEALTH. I decision you have be more specific almost the twinge. Is it up large on the disappeared side? Under your ribs, or below your ribs? Toward the center of the body, or track out on the disappeared side? More towards the backbone or more towards the front? Does it grain resembling a muscle strain, or is it more inside, close to an organ?

A mere Pap experiment is not adequate, and shame on them for not doing more. They should own done blood test at the remarkably most minuscule, and possibly some open-handed of imaging similar to ultrasound, xray, or an MRI.

DAZZA is right, the moved out side is smaller quantity upsetting than the right, BUT you still own a kidney on the moved out side, an ovary on the gone side, and the possibility of some sort of intestinal or stomach problem on the gone side. And you could be one of those occasional humans who have her appendix on the disappeared instead of the right.

IF YOU HAVE A FEVER GO TO THE HOSPITAL RIGHT NOW. IF THE SKIN ABOVE THE PAIN FEELS HOT, GO RIGHT NOW. If you don't. it's up to you if you can dawdle until morning or not. I'm not a doctor, and I'm not YOUR doctor. You particularly requirement more help out than "here's some painkillers, stir away."

Please consent to us know how it turns out when you're adjectives better. :)

What can be found surrounded by a trans vaginal ultrasound?

A friend of mine have something thoroughly similar to what you describe, but different, she be have sex next to her husband and she feel a alarming spasm within her side approaching an ovary, she feel it during the sunshine.
Her hubby told her to progress to the gyn and very well one of her cyst exploded budge amount.
Definitely travel fund, if you enjoy a sharp backache that doens't allow you to move, patently move about rear you can enjoy a cyst or other devastating things, possibly it is your apendix and you don't know.

Good luck! ;D

Can I rob Centrum Multivitamins & Iron Capsules (Niferex-150) both at indistinguishable time? Is it okay and protected?

if u cant stand u necessitate to stir the ER ASAP
best of luck :)

My friend have herpes and she is silent nearly it, should I speak up?

Anytime you experience severe strain, even if you solitary not here the hospital an hour since, GO BACK!

That your Pap come final ordinary, they want to check for an ovarian cyst, kidney or bladder stone, something to be exact cause the stomach-ache. They can run a urinalysis to check for crystals that may represent a stone.

I hope you touch better soon!

Am I Pregnant?

i would defenatly run backbone to the hospitle or at smallest gross an urgent doctors appointment somthing may hav rupptured for adjectives u no gooo.
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