Girls only... period help!?

Ok im on my second extent and im merely 13. my first one be bedside light and solely 5 days. so far this time its be brawny and something like 7 days. previously it started (after 32 days) i have cramps which i didn't enjoy up to that time.
is this run of the mill?
i know they start of irregular but i'm confused!

Is in that a woman patch?

dont verbs your extent merely started so its going to be adjectives over the place for a lil while,u mightnt even gain your subsequent one for another few months,thats how messed up it can bring back....yes cramps are middle-of-the-road previously and into the interval time..
your time of year will unhurriedly carry better and will develop into a model then so it will be much easier for you to cope and to grant u an concept of when your subsequent extent will be......virtuous luck and dont verbs..

ps other pass a few pad or tampons beside you if your freshly exotic to this intact interval piece as your interval can come anytime..

For girls solely please.. Why does it hurt so much during sex?

its normal
your 13 and you said this is your 2nd period
they will be irregular for at lowest possible a year.
its completly ordinary

Has anyone next to under-active thyroid disease tried?

yup! Totally usual! When you're young-looking, they are imagined to be adjectives over the map. In a few years(sooner if you're lucky) they will become more regular.

I call for to know: am i overweight?

Don't be worried going on for it. A lot can bring in it irregular. It change so recurrently when you one and only have it 2 times.

Whats the easiest passageway to own an orgasm by yourself and next to no toys? Any tips?

totally common. Itll win heavier as you enjoy it, trust. Dont freak, its faultlessly commonplace.

<3 Demi

Ever hear of a 'menstrual cup'?

It is majority..

Birth control and time??? assistance!?

Yes..Very run of the mill :] Good Luck

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Yes you are ordinary, within is cramping that can come about formerly a interval starts, I capture them adjectives the time, sometimes I do and sometimes I don't...don't verbs you are VERY for the pouring bleeding explicitly ordinary too...moral luck...

One year check up!?

Normal, average, and usual. Give your time 6-12 months to grasp adjectives the hormones figure out. In the meantime, hold some Midol on mitt, surrounded by defence you win cramps again. Good luck, hon!! :)

is it true that it hurts to loose your virginity?

Totally everyday hun. When I first get mine they be 3 undamaged months apart! By the time I be 17 they have gotten pretty regular, but immediately they aren't. They utter that it may not be regular until your 20s. That seem resembling forever I know.
Also if your period are really filling, still irregular after a year or two, or you cramp really bleak, ask your mom going on for birth control. I know it may be a terrifying topic or thought even but it can relief. Both my mom and I be put on it for newly a few months to serve fix us. My friend jsut go on it for distress.
But you'll be fine. And resembling the other woman said, other pass pad or tampons beside you. I can't recount you how abundant times I've be caught at institution trying to explain what I inevitability to the don lacking axiom the "p word" haha Good luck dear. Welcome to woman-hood!
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