Can I take Centrum Multivitamins & Iron Capsules (Niferex-150) both at the same time? Is it okay and safe?

I am a womanly and 21 years outdated. The Iron Pills are call Niferex and I'm taking it twice a day--morning and darkness.
The Centrum Multivitamins is lately the regular giving and taking it once a day--in the afternoon.
So I want to know if it is not detrimental to bring it at matching time?..Is it too much iron ..... Am I getting overdose of Iron?
Or is it ok?

Serious answers please!


Is this conventional?

Be well thought-out just about not transport more than 100% RDA of iron within a morning.

"There is considerable potential for iron toxicity because drastically little iron is excreted from the body. Thus, iron can pile up contained by body tissues and organs when regular storage sites are full."

Question minister to???

Since I don't know why you are taking the iron - I suspect anemia, but the best personage to seize this answer from is your doctor or whoever is treating you next to Niferex. Call their department and ask. It may be non-hazardous, but you never can inform. It's better to be nontoxic than sorry.

Do you other bleed on the first time?

Okay, you are a 'nubile feminine' which method that you are 'prone' to menstrual anemia during and a moment ago after your period. Look at the 'nutrtition information' on your Centrum Multivitamins. You may find it scheduled as 'Iron' or as 'Ferrous sulfate' ... check both the 'amount' (usually contained by milligrams) and the % recommended for a daiy diet. Next, find the 'nutrition information on your Niferex-150 ... is that 150 the amount in milligrams, or the % for a each day diet.
Frankly, you are 'overdosing' on your iron, which can in actuality label you 'more anemic' ... you should NEVER receive more than 120% of the 'recommended on a daily basis iron' and that includes the iron we win from the foods we put away. So ... STOP TAKING THE NIFEREX and turn to the doctor ASAP for a 'blood trial' of your 'iron level' plus 'hemoglobin' ... if you are showing ANEMIA, don't be surprised, because it's from that 'overdosing' you be doing. seize a second 'iron blood tryout' done surrounded by three months. If you are still 'substantially anemic' afterwards your doctor will want to run 'different test' ... you may hold a impressively 'intermittent disorder' where on earth drinking ANY 'iron' bar what you attain contained by food can brand name you anemic. My son have this disorder, and we used to win into LOUD FIGHTS ... I would try to win him to devour the 'second-hand goods food' at Jack surrounded by the Box, and he needed me to clear him liver and onions next to mustard greens and rice! HE WAS ONLY 3 years feeble! I in actual fact have to put him on a 'cast-offs food diet' for one to two weeks every three months, because my son have this disorder, and he also 'craves' the 'big liver content' foods approaching liver and mustard greens. To this afternoon he really 'hate hamburgers and fries, but put a HUGE PLATE of liver surrounded by front of him, and ALL you'll enjoy vanished is the dirty (and not remarkably dirty, because he if truth be told lick the plate) dishes! He's very soon 32, next to two daughters of his own, and he 'watches' their 'iron intake' because they could draw from his 'infrequent condition' at any time. I HOPE you don't hold it ... but if you do, it would at least possible explain why you are 'taking so much iron' when you don't really NEED IT!
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