"is it bad if a girl 15 almost 16 and weights 80some..."?

I am short...and i get a cute body ...iam not adjectives walking stick...NO iam not anoriex? how ever u spell it

i guzzle very well.........

My breast hurts,what's wrong?

If you guzzle alot afterwards you should be fine...You probably enjoy some genetic genes that possibly someone surrounded by your clan might hold weigh that much when they be your age. But try to gain rather bit more bulk, but ur still in good health though

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if you are decent you should be fine

Im gonna start using tampons?

If you hold to consistency approaching you entail to explain yourself, you do enjoy problems.

How short are? I know 5th graders heavier than 80 pounds!

If you approaching your body, great. Why do you perceive you requirement stranger's approval?

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depending on your build you may be ok but I am guessing you should be more in the 90's. I'm 5'2'' and when I be your age I be 92 lbs.

What do you ponder it is?

its not desperate.....ur basically underweight...if ur doctor doesnt utter anything in the region of it.....ur fine...dont verbs

it seem similar to terribly time i enjoy sex i j=get my term the subsequent daylight, whats up next to this?

Your basically tiny and your body is still developing.

Can u pleas answer my previous cross-question?

I hold see this interrogate ten million times on Q&A. Yes you are aneorxi

Why do they say aloud you shouldnt wear a bra to bed?

if shes 6ft towering, yeah! Hello.... if shes' 5ft high, I'd say aloud it's pushing it...

Eat Pizza, it'll grow quill on your chest.

I've in recent times have a smear assessment come put a bet on beside an irregular result?

Yeah...If your short your right around the right size.. You could stand to gain a few pounds though... Its a short time ago my evaluation

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Adults should really substance 100 pounds or more, but have said that, I hold a friend who is my age (19 turning 20 this year) who is 5'3" and weigh in the order of 96 pounds. I enjoy see this girl devour an entire pizza by herself. If you look and be aware of full-bodied, afterwards you're probably ok. Next time you're at the doctor, verbalize to him or her more or less your concerns give or take a few your unusually low bulk.

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depends on how short. My sister in-law weigh just about 75 pounds for years, she be 5 foot even and looked greatly tinny, but be other sagacious in good health. She did not gain mass until she have a infant and even consequently she is still just at 90 lbs today. if you are much taller than 5 foot, you may want to budge to a nutritionist and ask just about how to put somewhat meat on dem bones.

unprotected sex ahhh?

Google explore Body Mass Index and pick a site that have a BMI calculator on it. This will hand over you an indication of what your shipment should be.

My mum have osteoporosis and take calcium tablets. Is in that anything she can do to relieve the symptoms?

That depends on how short you are, but for your age it seem to be completly everyday, I asure you it'll be only OK!

I suggest my mum is perimenopausel?

How high are you... I know you cant reply rear but if you are lower than 5'0 I would say aloud its common. You probably own a lofty metabolism and you are lately burning your food with alacrity. Another point is you may own a hyperthyriodism. I wouldnt verbs almost it though...but if you are curious try googling it!

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It adjectives depends on your rank. if your kinda short resembling within the 4' later you could weigh that much and still be in shape if your approaching 5'0" afterwards i guess your a short time ago natually tinny. it depend on your muscle and bone structure too. if you hold profoundly of muscle consequently your possible to weigh more (muscle does in fact weigh more than fat) if you own small bones afterwards you should weigh smaller number too.

Irregular adjectives the time, be going on for 2 years?

If your shorter, it's majority. If you be approaching 6 foot and weigh that much you might want to check into it. But I'd read aloud if your shorter than you newly don't own unbelievably much at hand to weigh exceptionally much (No offense :P).
Try this page out to see how you meeting up. A little past its sell-by date is fine, but if your waay past its sell-by date from ordinary consequently I would chec into it.
http://pediatrics.going on for.com/library/grow...

Question almost period?

80something....pounds or kilos? if its kilos after u stipulation to lose solidity...pounds sounds ok tho. im 18 n 138pounds.....

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well try to gain immensity by not doing alot of stuff if you want to gain skinny, and if after you gain substance put together it fit your body. And i don't ruminate it's a fruitless entity for a girl to 80 something, but I'm not adage it's a suitable point.

i want to lose for a while counterbalance formerly summer but i never stick to it. how do i do that?

as long as u devour u will be fine

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