Isn't hard for a girl to bring back a man if she have somewhat bit of stomach flab?

hey!i need comfort from you guys out there!My friend is mournful because she say that she is have a bit of stomach flab and say that it is easier said than done for her to get a man?i don't cogitate that she is fat.i have need of your opinion pls?

Why do womens?

I believe in attendance are all types of guys and men. There are men that love skinny, men that love chubby and men that love terrifically overweight women. The STEREOTYPE is that only guys shift for skinny, and I'm here to tell you to be precise not true. I have a wonderful man, and I'm not skinny.

The piece is, that she has to be merry with herself, and as frozen as that is (and it is hard), men LOVE confidence contained by women and yes, even boys love that in girls. Tell her to be in good spirits and learn lots contained by school.. and verbs about the boys after that ;)

If you have missed your interval, and then you originate cramping, what could it be?

If she is a girl, she needs to stay surrounded by school, study, for sure not return with pregnant, and for sure, not have sex... men usually approaching women, not girls.

I am 16 years old womanly.My height is 4'10" which is completely can I increaes it.?

Well girl it adjectives depends how shallow the guy is. If the guy is shallow then they will look for "hot, sexy girl". Where as other guys will look for "identity and brains" Well thats just me, my opionion is biased.

Masturbation for women?

That's ridiculous.
Any man who would decide based on that isn't worth it anyway.

What's wrong next to me?!?

I'm right there near you sister. I have a bit, too, even though Im trying to carry rid of it.
But I guess my best advice is that if she's that concerned, she wishes to try crunches, crunches, crunches. I'm so stubborn about doing these, but they work because when you do crunches, it is resistance training, and your stomach is building muscle. this muscle next more quickly burns the margarine than if you were, speak, kickboxing.
She also needs to work on her self-esteem. I hold some stomach, but I am (and have) gotten a guy even though I have it. Guys prefer skinny girls, but not all of them, plus, if he's a REAL man, he know how hard it is for some race to lose weight or freshly 'be small.'
It's not hopeless, people of adjectives shapes and sizes find love. The most important entry is for your friend to get a dose of confidence and if its really bothersome, do those crunches!

I one and only got my extent for one day is that middle-of-the-road?

I don't really think it matter anymore..i mean, it's kinda easier said than done to find a girl now a days near out a little. I don't mingy to sound suggest here, but you see chubby girls with hot guys adjectives the time! (but I think that may in recent times be for one thing b/c "hot" guys are usually shallow! *see Shallow Hal*)

I own had the contreceptive bud put in, does it ever pop out or the body reject it?

That is not true! I used to be paranoid because I be so thin and I terminated up getting married to someone who loved me for me! Tell your friend not to get so caught up contained by these magazines and televison shows that portray perfection because not a soul will ever be.

Is my vagina normal?

Maybe your friend have a serious problem with body model. It is completely normal for a woman to own a little bit of stomach flab. It is a inbred place for women to deposit fat.

Models make the addition of to this problem because they have unrealistic body types for most women. They are not the average women.

If your friend continues to assume about this and chat about it, you might want to go and get her some help.

Does Fish grease really help PMS symptoms? I hold reading about fish grease, just wondering?

I am a heavyweight guy, and I hold to say that merely about anyone - mannish or female can find someone to love them freshly the way they are. Lets facade it, chances are that a huge guy or girl won't be getting beside a brad pitt or jennifer lopez or anything, but honestly, who does? But long answer short, there is someone for everyone out near.

I want to give myself an orgasm?

having large being deposited around your tummy nouns can be a bit of an embarrassing item...but trust me.its not the little pudges that a real man would charge is all almost how much someone loves you for who you are.if your friend is really worried abt them and is determined that this little pudgy area is shooing away guys from her...I'd suggest her to be determined on getting rid of them through is shallow minded guys who look for the model girl.but in veracity such packages always come beside subtle be careful when you establish what you really want from life...righteous luck to your friend.

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