What is?

a menstrual cup i saw it on here...
im not retarted ive already ben on my time of year for resembling a year!

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It's a rubber cup that is to say inserted into the vagina catch the blood and is reusable unlike a wad or a tampon. Produces smaller number spend in dribs and drabs for the environment.

Do women enjoy?

It is a small cup to be precise usually made of rubber that a feminine inserts into her vagina in lieu of a tampon or wad. It catch adjectives of the blood, after when removed then, it is to be wash out and re-inserted.

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go here:http://www.mooncup.co.uk/

is this what your discussion roughly speaking?

sorry if it isnt!

moral luck!

Girls solitary?

ok i will look over the certainty that you spelled retarded wrong. a menstrual cup is something you put in resembling a tampon, lone it doesnt occupy it, it collects it close to a cup. it is plasticy and you can own sex beside it, and it is re-usable.

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