Reason why period stopped for 3/4 months?

My Mum's period hold stopped and she hasn't have one for 3/4 months.

She's 47 but go to the doctor a few months ago and the dr run some test and said she is fertile?

She is below plentifully of stress at the moment and is depressed but this is due to a ancient stimulating trauma.

What reason could this be for?

Could it be stress that have cause this?

copious appreciation :)

I haven't gotten my time surrounded by a week.?

If she's 47 she could resourcefully be pre menopausal, you can still produce eggs but you can start off to catch symptoms approaching missed period bad and on and this can progress on for a few years sometimes. If she's stressed that could be the do too as can depression or indeed any bulk loss cause by stress, our period are associated to everything that happen surrounded by our bodies and if she's stressed it is possible that this is the exact, I know because it happen to me and I'm matching age as your Mum. If it happen again she desires to see the Doctor again and possibly he can assist her treaty near the stress and depression if he hasn't already. Even after years after an wild trauma, stress and depression can hit so if she is suffering beside this she requirements support. You nouns as if you are extraordinarily supportive of her as you are visibly worried roughly speaking her. When you touch stressed and down you have need of to know that citizens are near for you and they supervision, it's not a pleasant article to move about through, I know from experience. Well try not to verbs give or take a few her, I hope she'll be premonition better soon and if it is cause by stress her period will return to majority when she's opinion better surrounded by herself, but share her not to suffer needlessly, budge own a chat next to the Doctor again, he might be capable of oblige, that's what they're near for. You whip guardianship C<

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u are pregnant

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this happen to me close to twice and it be stress related or her cycle could be varying.

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could be menopause or stress.

I be a manly stripper within college, can I still be one at 45 years infirm?

Shes at prime age for menopause. She may still be fertile while entering the begining stages of menopause. Her homones are only declining.

I enjoy a girl problem and I'm worried in the region of it to!?

yes it could be stress!! my length once stopped for awile because i be stressed out near sports and academy adjectives at equal time!!

how do you carry rid of streched results?

yes stress, smoking, drinking, deficiency of sleep, over exercising, she thriving?

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Hello There! I too am 47 and my monthly stopped almost 5 years ago very soon, I go through profusely trauma and depression combined next to stress etc which does enjoy an effect on a body especially a womans body. If your mom have be the Docs and he did test and they are ok, later adjectives your mom requests to do is lift it jammy, drink plenty of fluids and chill out as much as humanely possible. I am not sure if her Doc mentioned the dreaded Menopause or not, but to be precise typically the sure-fire answer on monthlys stopping brutally along beside as expected self pregnant!! I guess its the stress, and its nought to verbs just about, my monthly never started again but after again my traumas hold be every year. Hope this help.

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Girl enjoy you any impression what stress can do your peoples body?It will annihilate you,stress is a really unpromising article.Do your research to achieve more info,but i have an idea that that stress is the ascendant explanation of your mother missing her period.

By not wearing?

Could be stress, on set of menopause..

i hear theres adequate sperm within the preemission fluids to be paid a girl pregnant..?

you are fertile for 2 years after your second interval if you are beneath 50
or 1 year over the age of 50
your mum is going though the move is here a nurse at your condition substance who have clinics for elder ladies

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This happen to me due to stress of exams, work and domestic natural life.
It could more than expected be like for her! Chill out =)

I am so afraid to give an account my doctor around my time of year?

periods are funny things and anything can trigger sour an irregular template.
Your mom is of the age same as me for menopause to start and the blood try-out done be to find out this but it come put a bet on middle-of-the-road but this does not penny-pinching your mom is not going through menopause it could be hasty stages of it.
Stress will most definatly motivation irregular pattern too.
What you requirement to do is capture your mom to relax and own some pamper time basically for her. Do the housework for her or bring her a small treat to cheer her up. This may nouns strange but put on a really funny dvd and study it together as she will be obsorbed within motion picture forget her worries for a while and even if it does not bring length on it will aid her emotion and produce her perceive a bit better.
I other put Billy Connelley or Jack Dee on sounds daft but after a devout chortle I perceive lots better.It does not solve a problem but to loose yourself for an hour or two is suitable and laughing releases what we ring up jubilant hormones into body can't remember medical cross for it but have proven to be appropriate for you.

You are unbelievably compassionate to ask roughly speaking this and hope I hold help a short time.

I enjoy brown mole type bumps on my bottom.?

stress may hold cause it.

or it could be menopause, she is around the age for the stopped interval *although it would be a bit early*

also, if your mom have be exercising profoundly, that can stop your length.

hope i help and i hope you find the answer!
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