By not wearing...?

a bra at dark when women sleep will that lessen the likelihood of women not getting breast cancer?

i read it from some magazine and i be wondering if its true

how can i kind my boobs look bigger. i am 17?

lay on the bra can cut sour lymphatic fluid circulation, especially if it's an underwire, and that can front to swollen lymphnodes which can calcify, which may or may not head to them becoming cancerous. It's debateable, but I contemplate contained by a round-a-bout channel, yes, it can front to cancer, although it is markedly unlikely.

Sleeping minus panties also lessen your probability of getting a yeast infection, and any doctor will recommend that to a woman who get many yeast infections. That's why I a moment ago wear an oversized shirt to be, no bra, no panties. It's much more comfortable anyway.

Am I too tight?

no but if you wear a bra at dark it make em smaller quantity droopy.

Oh my god. I'm pregnant. I'm lone 13! Help!!?

Hogwash. That would be close to relating men they wond bring back testicular cancer if they wear a jock strap at hours of darkness. How could that possibly be related to cancer? I don't believe it for a moment.

Is using tampons really self-conscious?

I never hear that past.

Whats wrong next to me?

i similar to the first answer, but at hand is an exeption to that.
If u own flat boobs.

Having problems beside Nuvaring!!?

No, this is certainly a myth.

And I've never worn a bra to bed and my breasts aren't drooping.

Morning after pill query?

I hear that but I enjoy not thought if it is or isn't... sorry. ..

? more or less when to start birth control pill?

1. I don't guess that lessen the likelihood of cancer and 2. Who requirements to sleep beside a bra on!?!?! I can't loaf to find contained by my comfy pajamas and ditch that underwire torture device! I'll pinch the droopy boobs next on surrounded by existence to sleep surrounded by comfort
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