I have brown mole type bumps on my bottom.?

I go to see the nurse more or less little red pimples that appeared on the cheek of my bum. She said they could be lazered rotten but the dr would have need of to see first. I surface embaressed nearly another guy besides my hubby seeing by bum so I enjoy put it rotten for so long. Now they enjoy grown bigger and are presently brown and I am a bit worried they might be cancerous. Is this possible? Sometimes they are a short time sore too.

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doctors. very soon.

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You should bring back them see to. They could be boils, they're adjectives surrounded by women on the bum due to hormones, or if they are moles that are increasing in size, consequently win them removed. Don't be ashamed. Every doctor/nurse have see alot of bums yours will be no different.

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go to the doctor instantly! do not discern shy in the region of a doctor seeing your butt its his livelihood only just wear a thong

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ask to a woman doctor!! but most gp's see a unbroken lof stuff bearing style more mortifying than a few spots on your bum, dont verbs

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It doesn't hold to be a guy who see them lots of woman do these job very soon, have said that i have a sneaking suspicion that you will find that most doctors are impressively professional!

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if any tpe of mole change colour or shape you should stir straight to the doctor because it could be cacerous
doctors see that sort of item every light of day its not a really sensitive place anyway
jump and get hold of it see to right away

Gushing Period (a bit weird)?

Sounds close to skin tag. They are not cancerous but can bring irritated, itchy and sore. If they bother you, they can be effortlessly removed. Just tolerate the doc see your bum, as crushing as it is you will next be capable of grasp sorted.

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Get your @@S to your GP NOW>NOW
I construct no excuses should I frighten you. i have mole on my put money on...delayed, delayed going to GP. When I did, they took it stale, biopsy, CANCER. They get me within hospital awfully nifty.... took a lump of flesh bad the size of a hamburger, one inch tacky....I be so, so, lucky, the big bit they took stale be clear. Yes, presently they are person terribly, massively hard-working. Blood test, CAT scan..... so far, so upright. The wound took 6 months to restore to health...that be on my posterior.On your Bum, i dread to have a sneaking suspicion that. The risk is the longer you donate it, the deeper it go, go too vast and consequently you get cancer anywhere.........PLEASE> GET TO DOC NOW

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