I just heard about girls owned condoms. Are they different than those owned by males? What’s the difference?

I be looking at a website and saw “condoms for guys and for girls” both in different category. Whets the difference between girls’s owned condom and guy’s owned condom? How a girl is going to use her type of condom? Explain that please!

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Yes at hand is a difference. Girl condoms are cylindrical and are placed inside of the womanly.

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"The womanly condom is a reversible line of defence method of birth control. It is a polyurethane (plastic) pouch next to flexible rings at respectively lapse. It is inserted adjectives into the vagina approaching a diaphragm. The ring at the closed finish holds the pouch within the vagina. The ring at the undo conclude stays outside the vaginal introductory.

How the Female Condom Works
The feminine condom collects semen since, during, and after ejaculation and keep sperm from entering the vagina.

How Well the Female Condom Works
Of 100 women who use womanly condoms, 21 will become pregnant during the first year of typical use. Five will become pregnant next to model use.

The womanly condom reduce the risk of oodles sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.

How the Female Condom Is Used
Detailed instructions for correct use are included in the casing for the womanly condom. Be sure to read and recognize them beforehand you use it.

To insert the feminine condom, lubricate the closed shutting. Squeeze together the sides of the inner ring at the closed come to an end of the condom and insert it into the vagina similar to a tampon. Push the inner ring into the vagina as far as it can move about — until it reach the cervix. Withdraw your finger and tolerate the outer ring hang down almost an inch outside the vagina.

During intercourse, movement of the condom from side to side is regular. Stop intercourse if the penis slips between the condom and the walls of the vagina or if the outer ring is pushed into the vagina. If ejaculation have not occur, considerately remove the condom from the vagina, make the addition of extra lubricant, and insert it once again.

To remove the feminine condom, squeeze and verbs the outer ring to maintain semen inside the pouch. Gently verbs it out of the vagina. Throw it away. Do not flush. Do not reuse."

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They both do alike item...

Just that women put theres inside there vagina....

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Picture yourself sticking your you know what into a closure lock pod. I muse you carry the theory.
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