My sister is sick.What does she have??

My elder sister, who is 16, feel that she HAS to step to work, and HAS to dance to institution. Thats a fitting article though... But she claimed that she couldnt miss at adjectives, no concern what. But she have call home impulsive from work and institution because she say she cant stand up straight because she feel sharp pains by where on earth her kidnys are. She say it hurts so discouraging, and shes be sleeping. I talk to her faster... she said that she would in recent times be sitting at hand and sharp pains would freshly appear and when she lies down, she said it feel similar to stomach-ache is race through her hand and foot. she have a 102.9 warmth and i only just dont know what to do. its be similar to this for acouple days and she said shes hungry but she dont own the strength to put away. PLEASE HELP! :(

period problem?

it could be her appendix, kidney infection, or oodles other things....and concidering she has/had confusion....
she really does have need of to see a doctor .... if today is not a fitting time own her walk to the ER tonight - as soon as she have the opening ... she really doesn't involve to pilfer probability resembling that!

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She really wishes to receive to a doctor ASAP

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Go to the Doctor, it sounds serious.

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She wishes to see a doctor NOW. She can enjoy someone achieve her homework to her if she's that concerned nearly missing institution. She'll draw from even sicker and miss even more school/work if she let her vigour jump. No situation is worth your strength.

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email the MAYOCLINIC.COM I don`t know their doctors can hand over you some on splash give support to right away.

Not response okay lately.?

Your sister desires to jump th the hospital ASAP to be checked out. Sounds close to she could enjoy a really fruitless kidney infection. Your parents necessitate to spawn her progress right away.

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kidney stones possibly? or a kidney infection.

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take her to a doctor right immediately! if her pains are this unpromising than it may be something terribly impossible approaching kidney infection or conceivably its her appendix. You want her to be safe and sound & glowing so steal her to the doctor to see if its something serious or if its in recent times something small, than you can stop worrying!

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