Sex before period (not vulgar...serious question)?

I know a childish girl who have never have a term and she just this minute have sexual intercorse. She used protection but her doctor said that they are single 60% potent in need a spermacide. Is it even possible to carry pregnant if you haven't even started your extent even so? She is 14 so she may be close to starting. Thanks!


I have need of to know: am i flabby?

Considering the certainty that she have no opinion when she is going to be starting her extent, she could deeply ably obtain pregnant the first time she ovulates. It be well-mannered that she used protection, and I hope she continues to do so.

is it better to use a condom during sex?

I do not believe that it is possible. You own to enjoy have started your spell first.

I be supposed to start my time the other afternoon but consequently i go and get the depo shot is that mundane ..?

this is a obedient ask.let see what th drs say aloud something like it.

Itchy vagina , dry skin? wtf is going on!?

Yes, it is possible. But somewhat unlikely. She should be using condoms, which are EXTREMELY effectual at preventing pregnancy when used according to the instructions. And they are forceful next to or in need spermicide.

period cross-examine..?

Yes if truth be told it is possible because she could be basically roughly all set to start her spell. You see a spell is the shedding of your bin liner. No the foundation of everything when the pool liner is building up. So near is a adjectives, a small one but still one.

I enjoy a linea nigra, or so i muse, and I own have it for tons years.?

Yes it's possible. I used to work within an ER and a enormously pregnant 12 yr matured walk within surrounded by labor! She have never have a extent.

What should I do?

that is a tough press to answer because it depends on how close she is to getting her spell

nearby is a providence she can receive pregnant even if she did not own her extent, If she is not going to procure it for a long time she should be fine but if she is close it is possible.
i also no someone in a similar situation but she get pregnant.

it will be massively uncomplicated for her to catch pregnant when she catch her interval.

Has any womanly have post freight loss surgery?

you cant procure pregnant b4 ur time.

in USSR the women's toilet do int hold any places to be exact why women squat when peeing do american do like peas in a pod t

It be once thought that it be impossible to acquire pregnant if one have not started menstruating, but in attendance hold be cases where on earth women (girls) own indeed gotten pregnant earlier that time. The reality that she used protection slims her probability, but if she is intent on not stopping, obtain her some birth control and also a morning after pill if its be at tiniest 72hrs ago. Good luck, and God Bless

Vagina problem, support!?

condoms are 98% forceful

Do you reflect im going 2 start my time of year ?

it is immensely possible.. if she used a condom its upright to so no.
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