Whats are the symptoms of a uterus infection?

i give birth on the 20th of december 06, and these later three days ive be hunch outstandingly strange, and the niggle consistency resembling it could be coming from my uterus, or it may lately be back up gas any course im still worried.

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UTI- u would have a feeling pains around you kidney nouns andwhen you pee, also pains close to cramps during your interval. But the discomfort is crazy, if you do budge to the doctors and they will cart a urine audition its high-speed and they ll see it right away.

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It is urinary track infection,consciousness riotous urge to urinate.

I hold just now finnished my interval but hold in a minute come final on again 8/9 days then.i'm 29 yrs infirm whats wrong?

Severe headache, bleeding, possible elevated warmth, hindrance and/or faint.

If you THINK at hand's a problem, step see your doctor. YOU know your body better than anyone else, and the bottom row is that not a soul is going to filch concern of you except YOU.

Ladies single pleasegynecologist?

First, you dont mention if you hold have a cycle since the birth of your child? or how long ago did you enjoy a bm? The probability of a uterine infection are style of sporadic and would of started sooner, Have you have sexual contact since the birth? You should keep on 6 weeks to prevent such problems but please stir to your doctor if this continues , it could be a simple vaginal infection or something need meds.Any hallucination?

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If you are not nursing, you could be getting your time of year. Could also be constipation from uterine pressure on the bowel. Another consideration would be a urinary tract infection or injury due to childbirth. Call you doctor for an appointment asap.

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