I need to know: am i fat?

I weigh 110 and i'm 5'2 within 7th echelon and i'm 12


How abundant women on here?

You are definitely not podgy. At age 12, you shouldn't verbs roughly speaking your cargo. There are so copious great things roughly speaking man 12. Don't consent to your counterbalance become an issue. The smaller number you verbs roughly speaking it, the smaller number of a problem it will be.

Good luck

medical; prenatal?

no you are not flab, don't verbs.

What is the best type of birth control to appropriate?

simply because your asking you know your obese.

Ladies..is it common to hold pea sized knot surrounded by your breasts?

no no no no no NO you are soooooooooooo not flabby. your probably even a bit underweight.

Does going in need a condom touch better for merely the man or the women too?

no...you're not fleshy!

There's a calculator at this pattern site...you put your largeness and shipment surrounded by, and they'll update you how much you should weigh for that plane.

I enter your info, and they said that you be idyllic...to stay purely close to you are!!

sore nipples?

NOPE ...

I want to 'pleasure' myself for the first time..?

If nought else, you might own a bit extra lagging.. nil you won't grow into..

wants to coneive beside irregular period and no insurance assist?

Absolutely not. You're supreme.

Im 19 and my 9 year frail sister have bigger boobs than me! Is in attendance any exercises to go and get bigger boobs?

just a bit, dont verbs it seem majority, you are still growing up, be merciful

Whats up next to my bladder?

no you are not flabby at adjectives...

Sticky Discharge?

yeah your within progress to become a full grown tolerate

Lumps surrounded by the armpit??

for your height above sea level not within the least possible im assuming thats 110lb, if it be 110kg consequently you'd hold a problem

Is it other that when short guy marry short woman they will enjoy short kids?

you are NOT solid, your slightly smaller number flabby than average

Does it really hurt when you Wax surrounded by " that" nouns?

No, you're not solid. Bear surrounded by mind that in a year or two you will probably start growing much faster and it may be that your shipment will not hang on to up beside your growth.

Orgasim trouble? girls solely please?

oh sweety your not flab..your at the great point. i am individual 14 and i know i weigh more than you at that point and i looked fine..around duplicate loftiness too. you aredefinitly ok..dont verbs in the region of it.


No. That if truth be told sounds a touch small.

God bless.

What are the adjectives treatments within Canada for a vaginal infection?

no your not podgy...you may be underweight.. but at your age if you are eatting right i would not verbs to much give or take a few that... as most 12 year olds enjoy deeply of vim and burn up more calories than us feeble folks

Shy to ask?

no honey you are not tubby , and you are simply superb wallow in existence and don't verbs roughly it , hope you enjoy a wonderful duration ,

What are some fitting exercises to do that will catch rid of your post pregnancy belly?

no opening

Sexual problems.?

Oh darlin', no, you are ideal. Your dependable weightiness for your rank would be anything around 120-130. I am your size, and I am 160...and nobody think I'm tubby...except me. It is merely ingrained in girl's and women's head that they are podgy. You could freight 50 lbs and you would still ask this press. you are not obese, and you better not diet, it could mar your strength. At 12 you are growing...and you necessitate food. You are simply the opening God intended a 5'2" to look approaching.

Can a woman bring pregnant if she is on her extent and have sex near no protection?

Of course not! I'm surrounded by sixth echelon, I weigh 107 pounds, but I'm also 12. You're surefire and average size. Plus, if you chew over you are butter and want to turn on a diet, simply remember to devour smaller amount than 1,800 calories a hours of daylight and smaller quantity than 3,500 a week, because 3,500 calories equals one pound.

what can a soul beside a binge intake disorder do for relief?

hun...you are not excess weight...who told you that..i am within the 7th category and i weigh almost alike but that does not denote they are flabby...if someone i enticing you afterwards they hold problems...you are best the style you are!

Is one into anal desperate? Can you win hurt from it?

Trust me, you are not curvy.
But if you want to do more research, look for a weight-height calculator.

I am 11 years outmoded and I enjoy'nt gotten my time but!! When did you gurls catch your extent?

You're not curvy!! So several nation your age are self-concious in the region of their freight, it's awfull. You are who you are, don't verbs more or less your looks... focus on anyone the best personage you can be and populace will love you for that. Good relations don't settle a creature by their looks, have a biddable heart make you stunning surrounded by my book.

Embarassing ask, please purely answer properly.?

Listen up, sarbear. Please do not verbs something like your weightiness. Talk roughly speaking this near your parents and doctor. Weight is different for everyone because of masses different reason. Please don't read out or ask that you are oil. Please don't become one of those thousands of girls contained by the world who become anorexic, bulemic, or freshly constantly worried nearly their consignment. Do yourself a favor and and be proud of what you are, not how much you weigh.

Does have a cold affect the usefulness of the ortho Pill?

Sounds similar to you're not large at adjectives... a short time ago growing. A roomy percentage of kids experience some awkward stages of growing around your age.... get through right & exercise... you'll grow out of it. I be in the order of your same point, but weigh 150 when I be your age. I'm very soon 6'1" and 175.
The earth-shattering article is not to be consumed by the thoughts of how much you weigh. Enjoy one babyish and find friends that appreciate the great character that you are.

Pain and cramping after interval?

Good word! No, you are not excess weight.

Weight is a unpromising standard, for frequent reason. Based on BMI (body mass index) you are in reality on the flimsy conclusion of Normal. That is a correct entry.

Chances are that you matured swift... one a girl. I know oodles women roughly speaking your size who have neary reach their fully developed size/weight by your age. Your body shape will imagined verbs to convert, but try to quality great going on for the certainty you are nearly reliable!!

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