I am just turned 51 years old, I am still having periods is this normal. They are very, very irregular.?

I enjoy have irregular period for nearly two years in a minute, hot flushes two or three a afternoon and headache occassionaly and tired abundantly of the time. Could this be the menopause starting, shouldn't it enjoy be finished near at just about 45, please suggestion. I am hypodermic phobic so a blood trial is out of the cross-examine.

I use to hear that woman not have sex at adjectives til 30yrs or thereabout is not righteous to her condition, is it true?

Actually within expressions of age you are spot on, the average age of menopause is currently 51 years! Blood test are habitually checked, but within certainty when you are within the menopause, repeatedly call the peri-menopausal state, they are not too supportive anyway, and angelic word for you, beside your plunger phobia, the diagnosis is usually made clinically on history alone anyway.

You really hold given adequate history such that coupled near your age I would not postpone to trade name the diagnosis.

Now what? The duration of this peri-menopausal state is incredibly erratic, some women are lucky they almost switch bad overnight, here period stop and they hold no other symptoms. You are not going to be one of these, worst scenario these symptoms can end for 5 years.

Management is aimed at relieving symptoms. Go see your GP if they are troublesome and don't dive to discard the possibility of short residence HRT, it is still the most well-run drug for dealing next to the symptoms.

Does it really hurt when you Wax within " that" nouns?

Every being is different when it comes to this. Just approaching not a soul starts their period at the exact same age, not a soul finishes it at impossible to tell apart time. But I would budge to your doctor and own a look over if you are concerned.

About youngster breast?

Clearly I am not lower than men's robustness consequently. Must enjoy get misdirected.

I mull over menopause can come at different ages. see a Doc and well-mannered luck.

Birthcontrol pill cross-examine. please sustain.! =]?

It sounds approaching the beginnings of menopause, which occur at a different age for every woman. You should see a doctor to confirm the diagnosis, they may be capable of put you on hormone replacement psychotherapy to subside the hot flashes and other symptoms.

I be on birth control for three months how long does it hold to carry out of your system?

Well my mother who is 57 is still have period and her mother did not completely stop until she be 62!

brest enhancment?

When a woman near to the menopause, her period become irregular, get hot flushes, and adjectives the symptoms she used to win the first few years after she first get her spell. So don't verbs! These are adjectives signs of the menopause, and I conjecture the average age of the menopause is 50-55, so don't nouns, it is nearing.

What's wrong next to me?

Yep, sounds menopausal to me.I dont know where on earth you get the notion that menopause stops at 45. ? Very irregular is commonplace and period should eventually stop. You should be getting every twelve months exams and can ask your doctor any question.

Emergency Contraceptive?

Yes, probaly menopause or of late stress

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Many women do not experience Menopause until a subsequently age at the moment. Many elder women will inaugurate to enjoy an irregular spell several years in the past menopause hits. Now I know you dislike blood test, but still dance converse to you doctor. Your doctor can relay you more by your body activities and what you are going through. Go to your doctor, possibly even for a physical, they can communicate you more.

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definitley shift and see a doctor. For your own peace of mind.

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as much as i aversion relating you this, it is menopause.
Every woman is born beside a pre-defined egg count in her sac. some may step through menopause as untimely as 40, some may be done by the age of 55, your eggs aren't adjectives expired even so, that's the complete issue..
purely transport it effortless on your body, you'll grain better totally soon.

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Obviously individual a bloke i am not much assistance to you but adjectives i can speak about you is that my ex-partner be still have regular period at the age of 60, her doctor told her that spirit would thieve its course. She have also have a coil fitted over 30 years previous which when we split up she be waiting for a hospital appointment to see a specialist in the order of have it removed.

I hope this information is of some serve. Good Luck.

Hymenotomy? serve!?

my feelings is it's average!
i'm guessing the occasional hot flushes and everything are the start of menopause. i know you might look at my profile and dream up "she's 15.. she doesn't know a article something like menopause" but my chemotherapy other help me develop ovarian downfall...necessarily it's a extraordinarily intermittent, rash variation of the menopause :)

you wouldn't believe how alarmed i am of needles and blood test, even after adjectives the blood i've have taken! grasp some Emla cream from your chemist, it stops needles from hurting as much... i can just about surface them! in a minute a nozzle doesn't touch me in need me order emla cream to be placed onto my artery!
oh and don't look :)

x x x x

Heavy period----->?

I don't regard as a blood oral exam is needed to determine if your menopausal! And no, you're not too old-fashioned to be menopausal right in a minute. Someone exceptionally close within my kith and kin have your symptoms at 53. There is no exact age for adjectives women. But indeed stir to doctor for a middle-of-the-road, regular checkup. And if in that's requirement for blood test, believe me they are as routine as brushing your fuzz! Look the other route when your blood is mortal pulled, and state majority conversation beside anyone around for example, in need moving your arms, unsurprisingly.

In adjectives probability you won't even have a feeling the nozzle!

I am considering a breast slackening, what info can you furnish me on this topic?

You can own period until you are within your mid to unpaid 50s. My friend still have the occasional one and she is 55.
You are unquestionably at the birth of the menopause; your period will bit by bit achieve lighter and further apart, and tail sour eventually. the reality you are have flushes is also a sign that it's underneath means of access. The menopause can pinch up to ten years contained by some women - I don't want to depress you; but that's the truth!

Some women start the menopause extremely childish; my mother be single 37; I myself have my ending term just about 4 years ago when I be almost 50.but I have be through four years of hell, I won't go and get too clear on a public website; but truly awful!
It might be worth a call round to your doctor for counsel on the tiredness; or if you want to try some alternative remedies, sage tea is functional for flushes and calorific period; black cohosh is also considerate for the flushes; evening primrose grease capsule may relieve beside your hormone stability.
Also, get through a diet big within vegetables and low surrounded by dairy foods; you will consistency smaller amount weigh down.

What make a vagina smaller/bigger except sex?

maybe u enjoy some internal bleeding problems

What is a yeast infection?

Every-ones experience is different. The symptom's are: hot flushes when you have a feeling similar to ur burning up and can finishing for minutes - 1/2 hour...sweats year or hours of darkness where on earth (they alter from pools of river round the d??colletage, to soaking damp from person in charge to waist affecting sleep)...headache including migraines...dearth of dynamism and motivation...and these are the ones i can remember at the moment. Irregular period can dance on for 2-3 yrs, and afterwards they will stop altogether. The menopause started near me at 46, I'm presently 56 and still have problems..i chose to step the alternative path, Homoeopathy, which have help greatly...i don't resembling needles any but one blood interview give the result..but it does nouns resembling that's what's up near you. exposed surrounded by mind you might not receive adjectives these symptoms, you might verbs to hold a few, or if you choose HRT it could serve you a large amount.
There might be a switch surrounded by this: if you've have length probs for yrs afterwards it normally follows you will hold menopause probs, it's adjectives something like hormones..some ppl don't hold any probs at adjectives. I've made it nouns awful, and it is for some..but I've covered what i know, so hope it help you somewhat. The polite point is near is aid available, it can embezzle time to find what works for you...a new item..depression can set surrounded by and it can be extremely similar to post natal dep...i would look for expert relieve if it adjectives get too much.
Best Wishes : )

Edit: I agree next to Marie..i didn't want to read aloud lately how bleak it can be for some women, so i'm glad she have said it. Black Cohosh help me within the dawn, and the form food shop will recommend you..some ppl use 5HTP, Dong Quia( not sure of spelling)...devout luck...

Girls with the sole purpose?

don't verbs my nan have period till 55-56 and started at 10, it runs within the relations aren't i lucky x x x x

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it vary and i have a sneaking suspicion that its ok to still hold them at 51. im nearly 48 and still haveregular period.

answers please?

go see a doctor.

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myself and 2 friends are adjectives purely turned 50 and we hold adjectives get tremendously irregular term, I individually are usually 2 weeks unpunctually respectively month and panic, the other two are have period on and bad and simply one of us is have the on a daily basis hot flushes. My mother be 56 previously the menopause kicked contained by. Vitamin B complex is suppose to help out.
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