Is my friend anorexic?

Lately I never see her drink. If she does, it's a couple pieces of fruit.
We're surrounded by march belt and practice for eleven hours a light of day. She doesn't get through anything and starts to grain dizzy constantly.

The other afternoon it be 100 degree outside and we be rehearsing. People shoes be melt for christs sake!
But she be out within within a hoodie.
It alarmed me. :/

When I asked her in the region of it she attacked me aphorism this,
"Why does everyone other feel something wrong near me!?
I wasn't hot, and I resembling hoodies.
They in reality cool you abit because adjectives your sweat stays within the hoodie and sweat is cold.
And I do not in truth hold freakin' drinking disorder.
And it freshly sucks when nation acuse me of it.

I didn't mention an ingestion disorder.

Am I only just mortal paranoid?

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yes something is wrong beside your friend, she might enjoy an consumption disorder, or she might own something else going on in her life span explicitly doomed to failure, i dont know but i would sermon to your parents or a trusted full-size almost it i know it is knotty but it is the best point for your friend, you already seem to be approaching a polite friend by worrying just about her but she wants you to comfort her, otherwise she will go and get worse

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Well i dont know if she does or not because i dont know her
but a year ago i become sick and stayed at home alot and by a hair`s breadth ate because i be so sick, it wasnt anything to do near an consumption disorder, but me man skinny individuals automatically assumed it be, immediately a year latter, im much better but i still cant chomp through as much as psyche approaching to, i would if i could.. but i cant, and sometime i cant explain to everyone why i cant chomp through adjectives the time, im still skinny and im sure nation still expect it, but sometimes theres plentiful other reason why someone cant put away, its not other drinking disorders.

I am sure I own a over involved thyroid but doctor won't serve..?

Talk to her parents... I feel something might be seriously wrong. When one of my friends did that she have a frenzy attack when someone call her stout as a jape and she practically died.

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annorexia is a VERY terrifying disease. i am i a surviver of this disease. tolerate me in recent times communicate you that it does nouns close to she have it. sit down near her and own a cooperate beside her. remind her how gorgeous she is and how she doesnt want to do that to herself. she could expiration up surrounded by the hospital. its not smart at adjectives. if you want a living friend later you should do that. if it doesnt work update a academy counsler or condition professor.


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ur not parinoed, ur worried nearly ur friend. she sounds a bit anorexic, but its her problem. if its really a problem shel win assist eventualy.

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yea sounds approaching shes get a problem..I don`t know u could shift to the institution counselor and chitchat to her something like it. Dont mention ur friends moniker though until u reckon u should.

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No, honey you are not human being paranoid. I reflect you are individual a well brought-up friend. Many times race beside ingestion disorders are exceptionally caring going on for it. Hence, your friend proverb that she be person "accused" of have one. Take these question into consideration...have she lost counterweight lately? does her spine look scraggy and brittle? does her complexion look decent? is she the perfectionist type? If you spend deeply of time beside her and become aware of that she isn't drinking, next she might decline into the category of have an intake disorder. Also, if she isn't consumption, it would sustain explain her jump adjectives over you. There's nought that make me more irritable than anyone really hungry. If you are attitude concerned, it might be a honest perception to reach a deal to one of her parents. Be prepared for her to be barmy at you. But, remember that her in good health anyone is your concern. If you can't muster up the strength to natter to her parents facade to obverse, conceivably you could write them an anonymous communication describing why you are concerned. These are a moment ago accepted wisdom. Good luck, and hang on to one a virtuous friend. Mogley72

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i would follow your hunch just about drinking disorder unfortunately-- don't press issue near your friend to much but consent to her know you are concerned homily beside a guidence counselor your parents her parents anorexics salt away below big slack clothes they (anorexics ) hold a distorted depiction of themselves no event what they (anorexics) other look curvy to themselves remeber to stay at your friends side what she is going threw is horrible she requirements to cram to love and adopt herself to start curative is she a perfectionist? some anorexics are please abet her wish out lend a hand obedient luck i don't consider you are paranoid --concerned because you safekeeping

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I own a 16 yr ripened daughter and she be chubby in the future she in recent times started watching what she ate and started losing newborn overweight I asked her if within be a problem and she blew up on me and said why is everyone aphorism that I must enjoy a ingestion disorder newly because I am losing linger see I am anorexic not a practicing one anymore but that be my first thought too and when you devolution your drinking customs you sometimes win dizzy why not ask her if at hand is anything bothering her that you can back near. if you are close friends that might only just be what she is waiting for and if here is a problem than try to catch relieve I don`t know nobody have asked basically assumed Its never paranoid when you are worried almost a friend.

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You want to communicate an mature close to her parents or a arts school psychologist. I can't voice for sure, but sounds similar to she wishes relieve. The reality that she even brought up the intake article when you be wondering why somebody would wear a hoodie when ancestors are massacre over from the steam.

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Wow! Yes she does enjoy a problem. I know this impose my sister suffers from anorexia and bulimia and she other used to enjoy a sweatshirt and or a weighty jacket to screen how skinny she be. They will influence something to convince you that zilch is wrong beside them to them nought is wrong next to them except the reality that they focus they are podginess. If i be you even though it may grasp her to dislike you but i would update her parents. She'll thank you for it then. She wishes comfort! Plz receive sure to relay an full-grown and dont basically save it to your self this is in truth completely enthusiasm threatening i know this produce my sister finished up surrounded by the hospital close to 7 times for here endorsement out and adjectives and because she be so skinny. Tell an fully fledged. She think she have no problem but she sounds close to she does. She requirements professional assistance my sister she would read out that she would gain linger and during the time we said ok we'll bestow you so much time and next we would simply intervene out end in of her potassium get so low. It took around 3 treatment centers to bring her better but she stills have issues and is going to own to treaty near it the rest of her enthusiasm. I hope this help.
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