Weird feeling in vagina area?

normally, earlier i puke my lower stomach/vagina nouns starts to discern really grotesque. atleast it did when i be little. for times past week or so, it have be have that same awareness, within my vagina-area. it sometimes feel resembling its "beating" or something. i dont know whats going on. i sometimes when i enjoy my underpants on, i merely touch it so it feel better. (i'm not touching the INSIDE of my vagina.)
I dont know what it is...i be thinking it be hormones but i dont know.

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hahha thats grotesque

Can anyone find or trade me the following book: "Ma grossesse, mon enfant" by Rene Frydman (2003, brand new edition)

if it is more towards your hip the "beating" could be from your femeral artery

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occasionally it can have a feeling close to your heartbeat is contained by your vagina, which is really odd, but usual, no big treaty, it merely finances that your heart is working extra rock-hard to catch blood to your legs,nil is wrong. progress to a doctor though if you discern mortified.

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Its call " orgasm "!!

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it's probably basically your heartbeat. puking have a rough effect on your body and is amazingly strenuous on your it could be that it is newly your heartbeat. in general when you puke your upper body is stiff from the heaving.

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