Girl problem? (girls only answer, please)?

Hi. I'm 17 years prehistoric and I hold a girl problem. I enjoy not have a interval within 2 years. I go to the doctor and he kept suggesting a pregnancy exam and I refuse. I am NOT pregnant. I've never have sex, so I can't be pregnant. What do you muse is going on? Is it hormones or something? I'm a short time ago wondering.


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as a mom of teenagers.. your body may not be geared up even so..dont rush it anyway once you get it u will yearning you never have it ... it get to be a torment within the butt.when i be purely startin i have a hell of a time i have to be in motion on the pill to return with things to work on a regular basis....dont rush it girl

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Honey, even though you never have sex, something is prominently wrong,and you should bring the pregnancy audition purely to be out of danger. Has the doctor put you on any medication?

Help me please girls!?


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honestly, i know this will nouns stupid, but I would of late grasp the pregnancy experiment to prove to the doctor that specifically not the problem and next he will rob you seriously and check it out for you!

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It could be severe stress, or if you are an athlete, weighty physical hobby tend to kind a spell disappear.. which is markedly harmful... If your doctor keep motto it every time, i would a short time ago do it to humour him so that he can try some other carrying out tests to find out what is going on.

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Are you ingestion regularly and stout? That can enjoy an effect on your period. Go put a bet on to your doctor, and hold the tryout. It won't hurt and he will trust you more. Then, he will start looking for other cause. Sad, I know, but that's how it is.

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I'd say aloud your purely not regular nonetheless..I'm 21 and a short time ago not long (last couple months) enjoy be getting my spell prompt. But 2 years?!?? I would travel to a differnt doctor. Try a gyno if that's not who you go to the first time.

I hold 2 question please oblige me out!?

Definitely enjoy that checked out- sometimes if you're over stirring athletically or aren't ingestion satisfactory, or a combination of both, it could explanation that; however, in attendance could be other cause that are more long occupancy. Have your doctor check you out- most doctors agree it is not incredibly well for women to not enjoy their cycle, unless they are on some type of hormone analysis or pills that cause them to do other clever. Don't linger any longer. Good luck.

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Irregularity is ordinary. Not have a extent for 2 yrs is not everyday. Your doctor does not seem to be to be taking your concern seriously. Get a different doctor. If you are not seeing a board certified OBGYN I would suggest that, a bit than a MD or DO. OBGYN in fact specialize contained by womens condition.

Look smarty; OB/ GYN is an short form for obstetrician/ gynecologist. An OB/ GYN's mission is to peak for unquestionable diseases including cancer of the breasts, cervix, uterus, vagina and surrounding nouns. Another significant slice of an OB/ GYN's commission is to diagnose and treat womanly reproductive condition issues that include sexually transmitted diseases, menstrual issues, diseases of the breasts, uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries, as ably as fertility problems, and premenstrual syndrome and menopause related issues.

I hold no view where on earth you get the notion they wont see you if you are not 18 but to be exact a nouns of BS. Every woman should receive an appointment near their OB/ GYN every year outset at the age of 21, or inside three years of sexual intercourse if lower than age 21. It's extremely major to return for annual Pap smears and pelvic exams according to individual recommendation by your OB/ GYN. Also, consult your OB/ GYN anytime you experience anything to be exact not ordinary for you or if hold any question more or less your reproductive condition.

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You may want to find a different doctor and achieve a second inference. There seem to be an inequity of something in your body. Maybe you could be prescribed birth control to start your period and keep them regular. But really obligation to see a doctor and not sit on yahoo answer and strangers roughly speaking what you enjoy. They can describe you they have something close to that and furnish you the name but contained by sincerity you call for to see a doctor.

Period!!adjectives girls and women please purloin a sec to answer!!?

sounds close to a cyst i be 17 when i started and i would skip months at a time. i would capture it check out.

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Personally I would look for another doctor as this one distinctly isn't totally worthy. I assume you hold have period contained by yesteryear so its not a skin of delayed puberty. You probably hold hormone problems and it desires to be investigated.
The doctor should adopt your word that you are nor pregnant but it wouldn't hurt to clutch the question paper if it get you the proper investigations sooner, but I fathom out your reluctance to pocket it.

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wow that strange move about to the er

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it could be you endomettrium is not shedding plenty ore if you be on bc it could mess it up if you quit or missed a time (it have surface to me and one of my friend and we both are going typical now)

Tell me adjectives you know roughly Trichomoniasis!! Every single detail?

hey honey
It could be the certainty that your hormones enjoy not settles properly however.

Although it is possible that you hold PCOS (polycyctric ovarian syndrome) although you are still incredibly childlike for this. it is amazingly slickly diagnosed by have a blood interview freshly ask your doctor if you don't go and get any be ask to see another.

Good luck

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