Closed Cervix?

I go to the doctor second week and he said that my cervix be closed. I know that I'm not pregnant and dont own any diseases. the doctor tested me for everything up below the sun! LOL and zilch is wrong next to me purely that my cervix is closed. I dont enjoy cycles and my doctor put me on birthcontrol to see if I would own a cycle simply making sure that it is for sure closed? What do you guys infer?

girls, women, a bit backing?

For a woman who have not only just given birth a closed or stenotic cervix finances that the cervix is incapable of introductory properly usually due to mark tissue. It appears that your doctor is looking to see if your cervix is completely or single to a degree hermetic.
If merely to a certain extent hermetic it shouldn't be a problem unless you want children. I would suggest you discuss beside your doctor the probable cause of your closed cervix and what teratment will be required if you want to start a family connections.

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You should hold asked the doctor EXACTLY what be expected by a "closed cervix." It is my sympathy that unless a woman's within labor, the cervix is ALWAYS closed.

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Your cervix should be closed unless your dialated and primed to bequeath birth. I come up with that you should ask exactly what he is discussion in the order of because I believe that he is confused.

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I would read out you enjoy an adjectives problem. I would ask your mother/grandmother if this sort of entry runs within the own flesh and blood. I wouldn't verbs something like it though. I'm sure it's correctable.

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A typical cervix is gaping. There's an exit contained by the center (like a fundamentally tight donut) that allows menstrual fluid to exit (and sperm to enter) the uterus. That may be why you're not have period. I'm not sure what sympathetic of medical complications could arise from this, aside from fertility complications.
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