I have this pain in my upper abdomen...?

I own have this strain, within my belly for 6 months or so,It is usually right below my ribs, surrounded by the middle. Sometimes the twinge moves the te lower right side of my belly. I thought it be lactose intolerance, so I be taking over the counter pills. The stomach-ache go away while taking the pills. I am 12, so I thought that since the childrens ones be cheaper, I would bring those. Well, the backache begin again when I changed medicine, so I stopped the Lactose intolerance medication flat, and started taking generic Zantac for Heartburn. Well, That doesnt help out anymore any. Please dont merely explain to me to jump to the ER right away. I own have this dull pain for 6 months and it hasnt kill me all the same. Please confer honest opinion of what you suppose.


How come everytime I wear underwear and it's tight. I assume I hold a yeast infection? What do u mull over?

You do not call for bring medication when you are 12 years old-fashioned in need chitchat to a doctor or your parents. Your throbbing could be a liver anguish or if it moves down your right side it could be your kidney. Instead of taking medication, drink plenty of hose down and drink ginger liquid and cranberry liquid. Please do not pinch heartburn medication because you hold categorically no symptom of heartburn at adjectives. Ask your parents of guardians to form you an appointment next to your house doctor please.

implantation bleeding?

go to the doctor hun..6 months not well-mannered.could be ur kidney..do you drink satisfactory wet...dance to the doctor to attain check out miss female...previously it get worse

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don't walk to the ER, that would be rather extreme. but if this have be permanent for 6 months that medium it's moderately serious. name your doctor, and see what they contemplate you should be doing. it could be something extremely serious, or an allergy to something besides milk .. who know.

girls plz relieve me?

Kiddo you should dance see a Dr. for this! Something could be wrong near you, plus they can afford u pills to give a hand!! Better the otc stuff!

One of my friends pap try-out come stern near remarkable cell. She said something going on for HPV.?

Yeah, hun I devise its gas. Gas that does not come out can create dull pain within your final, lower and upper as in good health as your anywhere surrounded by your belly. Before seeking a Dr I would suggest taking Gas-X or taking something resembling Beano since you put away. Good luck and God Bless

Whats the gynecologist approaching?

It could fundamentally all right be your appendix. It can hurt for some time when it is inflamed. Your parents should be notify and you should turn acquire checked out by your physician. A ruptured appendix is extremely bloody and hazardous.
My appendix hurt me surrounded by the middle of my belly, not a soul thought to consider it might be that because the stomach-ache be not on the lower right side...

Adult content?

OTC meds are not designed for long residence carefulness unless your doctor say so. Make an appointment near your doctor. He/she can own you do some test to engender sure you don't hold anything serious.

Zantac is a antihistamine (yes, it is. believe me). As unforced as this OTC stuff is to whip, it shouldn't be a severe quantity of a 12 year outmoded's diet!
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