
ok this is really shameful but for times past 3 days or so i own be have approaching miniture diahrea (or how ever you spell it) within isnt really much but its be making my stomach hurt really discouraging and i havent be consumption a bunch of cast-offs so i dont know whats wrong next to me! the first time when i wipe near be a tiny bit of blood but that hasnt happen since. whats wrong near me?!?!?!?! serious answers please! thanks

plz sustain! ladies solitary.?

Whenever you see blood surrounded by your stool you should telephone call the doctor a short time ago to be safe and sound. It's possible that you could own broken a tiny blood vessel in or around your anus while you be on the toilet, but you should set an appointment anyway.

When will I enjoy sore nipples ?

Whether you are mannish or womanly it is nil to verbs nearly, it is close to when I ate food from Europe and I get the skitters similar to you near blood, is your BODY adjust to a spanking new diet of HEALTHY FOOD. Leave it for one week and I bet an apple a hours of daylight will save the doctor away!

Just get my length..serve plzzzz!?

take pepto and put away bannana's lol

Which is the safe and sound time for SEX?

it could be something that you ate hasty. And except the little specks of blood when you wipe is that you are irritated from wipe too much since you are constantly going to the bathroom. Try some immodium and drink plenty of dampen you could be dried out. or Gatorade(sport drink)

Do you hold to be a secure age to acquire erect nipples?

dont worri its some article u ate , the blood dont worri either
its hamroines ,

Is a prolonged menstraul term a concern?

you might hold hemerhoids... try tucks wipe and laxatives for your 'buisness'
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