Why do I suddenly have heavy period bleeding? OVER 14 days HELP HELP HELP?

Last year I my extent started acting up and I bled for more than 32 days calorific. I go to doctors and they said I be average and everything be fine. I go to my obgyn and he run blood test, exams, and ultra sounds on me but everything be conventional. He give me some pills to stop the bleeding and consequently my period benevolent of returned to typical except this later 2 months. I did not enjoy my time of year at adjectives contained by May or June. I took pregnancy experiment within hope of getting pregnant but they be negatibe. Then within July my length have be super cumbersome, unremitting for more than 14 days. Does anybody know what could be wrong beside me? The time of year is full of blood clots, I constantly budge though pad and tampons. If they did not invent the diva cup after I would die. This is so depressing and affects my self esteem. I obligation to run final to the doctor but I dont enjoy any condition insurance because my husband lost his career and my errand is too expensive for insurance. Any means of access I can freshly catch my time of year to stop short seeing doct


omg my throaght kill?

Why is your avatar a boy?

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Please comfort me!?

I have duplicate piece. They did an x-ray and found that I have polyps (kinda resembling cysts) on and around my ovaries that be cause the creamy bleeding. I have my time of year for almost 90 days at one stretch, so I distinctly know how you grain. Get your doctor to do an x-ray... if he won't, find another doctor. Another possibility is PCOS... poly-cystic ovarian syndrome. It's not deadly or anything approaching that, but it can prevent you from have children if it's untreated so seize it checked out!

Can someone be nice satisfactory and run nearby time and read my ?

Are you using your husbands logon (the avatar is a boy). If you aren't sure in the order of your symptoms and are still concerned even after seeing your obgyn, dance bring a second judgment and find another gyno, it could be something serious. Please shift see another doctor or gyno.

Best wishes!

would you hold plastic surgery?

case ya didn't become aware of hun, MEN dont win period lone WOMEN!

Will you grasp a positive pregnancy examination beside an ectopic ("tubal") pregnancy?

I go thru like point second year. You may own a cyst on your ovaries. i have 1 removed, and haven't bled since. you should turn to a Dr. in a jiffy. I hope this help.

metformin dosage?

Yeah, why do you own a boy avatar? You nouns close to a woman, so I'll answer. In my belated 20s I suffered from severe bleeding next to clots approaching you describe. I could not even contain it next to pad, double pad, zilch. I be ripping up mature towels to contain it. I finally go to the doctor and he told me that my hormones be out of whack, and put me on birth control, and that cured it. If you cannot afford a doctor try a women's clinic, they are cheaper. If that's too expensive step to your city's free clinic. They charge a small allowance. I go when I have no insurance because I have an infection and they treated me for practically zilch, I presume it be 5 or 10 dollars.
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