Can someone be nice enough and take there time and read my ?

My Period started on Dec. 26th concluded on the 30th.
After my time of year i have sex around on the 1st give an account the 9th..
I started to bleed on the 16th...kinda similar to bleedin spottin brown stuff. Strange because my length never be approaching that.. I get of it on the 20th..Then on the 24th i took a assessment at the clinc come out nagtive.. Then duplicate sunshine on 24th took a nother audition at home. be distrustful.. But see my breast hurt. i quality sick within the moring. i dont want to put away cuz i quality similar to throwin up. Or i would want to munch through alot. Im inactive, cracked and other wanting to sleep ALways!..My cheecks get bigger Strange!..I reallie dont know if i took the assessment to impulsive..Am i not pregnant?..or do u expect i am and i should dawdle and pocket a question paper again! PLease answer my quiz! if u hold something stupid to speak dont even answer my sorry something like my spelling im fruitless becuz i could speak 5 other langauges so sorry.

breast exams..?

I have something similar roughly 14 years ago. Lots of spotting at the wrong times of the month, didnt consistency capably, pregnancy check come out refusal. My sister finally talk me into going to the doctor, turns out that yes, I be pregnant but that I also have uterine fibroids which is what cause the spotting. I suggest you be paid an appointment and travel to the doctor. This might not be one and the same situation, but whenever something is different, your body is describing you something. Dont risk your condition, check it out.

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Go and see a doctor and enjoy yourself properly tested.

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hey...u might have need of to dawdle another week...and get hold of a home preg. assessment...u probably tppl the exam too rash to find out if u are. Then if it comes out neg...afterwards be in motion to the doctor and transmit them how u own be impression..might be the symptoms of something else..i option u da best!!

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You can buy a Test call First Respose. You can use it up to 4 days in the past your expected spell.
I would stir to a doctor around birthcontrol because it sounds resembling your extent is irratic.

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