I need advice?

i havent be intake much at adjectives similar to not a hundred percent devour resembling 2 bites of somthing consequently throw it out i enjoy lost weigh i weig 151 and i grain really flawless but when i put on a pound i draw from so batty at myself i enjoy this point finder and i use it adjectives the time and i run and run intell i cant anymore and i use the tredmill intell i cant anymore and when ppl tell me i look dutiful it pushes me even more when i look at food it make me sick and i lose my appite when i look at food. i want to return with down to 100 or 96 pounds

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be in attendance.

you're anorexic.

should this surprise you? probably not. but you've get the symptoms. the problem is, minus drinking plenty, you won't look accurate for long. you'll start growing curls within places you don't want it, similar to on your stomach or even your frontage. your time will disappear and when you procure it your cramps might be really unpromising.

you don't want to take down to 100 pounds. when i be 5'3 i weigh 105 and my doctor told me to gain shipment for my vigour. my target consignment is 115 right in a minute because i've be trying to gain solidity for three years and i still can't because food still make me perceive sick. i touch smaller amount within control around my consumption very soon that i can't put away than i did when i be chubby in the past this happen to me.

believe me. soon losing immensity won't come across close to such a virtuous view. get better up to that time it get too serious, please. i don't want to see another girl turn down close to i almost did...bring back out while you still can. and yes, it will put together you sick and it will create you disheartening and it will breed you upset, but it's worth it, to know that you're still going to be alive and competent to enjoy kids and not sick adjectives the time. trust me.

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What is your grill? If you want direction in the region of what you are doing, I would influence it is not nourishing. You should drink to be good and to perceive virtuous. Exercise should strengthen your body and fashion you want to be more fighting fit - not to trademark you sick at the thought of food. That can organize to anorexia, not that you are but you should watch out. Depending on how high-ceilinged you are 100 or 96 lbs may be wayyy to skinny. You don't want to look sickly.

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It does not nouns resembling you're losing substance contained by a vigorous road. See a doctor or nutritionist.

I am Not Sexually helpful, and i havent have my term within 4 months, why?!? Also i hold urges to pee!! HELP!?

girl heres a word for ya STOP!!!! it sounds 2 me that u r getting an consumption disorder! and they r massively dangerouse!!! heres a few tips to loose weight
1. get through solely until u r full and dont throw it up! merely speak 2 urself over and over again i can do this, i can do this.
2.exersice for single in the order of an hour!! no more!
3. chomp through well stuff!! close to fruits and vegy'.
heres for a moment off the record no thing how much fruit or beggies u put away...U WILL NEVER ADD A SINGLE POUND!!!
4.please please please dont win drinking diorders! ok?

one too skinny is repulsive!!1 if ur a stick it looks horrible! ok?
dont b so metallic on ur self!!
and a new point throw away ur mirrors!! i'm motionless seriouse!! cuz mirrors dont explain to u te truth.ok?
hope i help! bye!

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