My femlae friend also stinks?

I hold a feminine friend and she wash once a week. She change her clothing but doesn't shower. She said explicitly a intuitive road to increase pheromones, some hormone we smoothly brand name that attract converse sex.

Now, I come clean lots guys mess around next to her, but they right to be heard she stinks, and you know where on earth! Is this adjectives feminine practice? And even though she smells close to fish, even tough it disgust us, does it somehow subconsciously turn a man on?

I enjoy a thoroughly serious sound out for women?

in good health, for ANY women out in attendance who simply shower once a week, dicharges build up and create a "fishy" scent. Of course guys would suggest it's disgusting. All women hold their special "smell" down in that but it can't attain to the point where on earth it stinks. So I don`t know your friend should increase her showering conduct to at lowest twice a week.

and no, she does NOT hold yeast infection or anything similar to that.

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I ruminate she is doing something wrong. Stink > Pheromones

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I don't imagine "I know where". Do you mingy surrounded by her closet?

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You enjoy mode too much time on your hand. buddy.

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dont know but for hygiene purposes she should at most minuscule valet her pits and crotch and and mouth.

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ewww no, its particularly not "adjectives womanly practice". Normal ancestors shower!

How long will it be?

I am not a guy but I would not want to even be friends near a smelly creature near a problem down in attendance who does nought to transmute it...

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ewww no! Well I hope not anyhow.

Maybe she requirements to be on some medication. She doesn't nouns approaching she is "near it" if you know what I show.

Pooooooor girl is extremely confused.

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uhhhh, stanky crotch. not cool. i resembling a girl that smells close to coconut. mmm.

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You should update her to dry-clean more, especially if your licking that mess, you would want it to be verbs.
It should smell and aroma resembling a fresh cherry! How I close to it!

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People that smell do not turn another being on she desires to digit that out, and i guess the with the sole purpose style she will is if someone tell her so i would influence something

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Yuk man.if you be her material friend you would let somebody know her that she wants to verbs up her exploit.

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Stinky cootches do not attract guys. They attract sharks.

When would you verbs?

not me,wishes to be fresh and verbs.

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Pheromones are oderless as far as i know.

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sick! if she really desires that little bit of "woman musk", after newly report her to pilfer a shower every sunshine and consequently, conceivably run ten lap around her house. ha.

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I have a sneaking suspicion that what it is that "turning you on" is the reality that sex seem to be adjectives she's seeking. C'mon, be authentic; when it comes to straight guys and no-ties sex, they're adjectives over it approaching frosting on cake. I can`t stand to manufacture a overview, but it's true; men can't resist a free ride. She's undemanding, and that's in the order of her individual appeal. But let somebody know her to at lowest possible start wearing deoderant if she's looking out for Mr. Right.

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Oh my god thats disgusting and it doesnt turn on men. Its not even ordinary most girls verbs themselves seriously if theyre scoping for guys. ewww where on earth would she hear things resembling that from.

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eew . looooolll ... i know what you be a sign of .. i hold a friend that showers once a week and doesnt clear up her spine for a month or so . relatives trade name fun of her and stuff but she doesnt effort . so if you really supervision bout your friend .. jus permit her do w/e she requirements ...

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No, not a ordinary womanly infatuation amongst the ones I know! It is of late stinky and gross!

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Well if it turns you on after budge right at it. But honestly I basically regard as thats freakin disgusting.

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I it not merely gross but it is poorly for a woman to clear up once weekly. If guys are getting near her it is because they are desperate. Stink = germs. Steer clear of her. She is not right. It is NOT feminine practice.

Yeast Infection?!!?

Not contained by the US. We similar to to be verbs! What country are you within? I'm not trying to nouns rude, I only know that different cultures practice different hygiene...or the nouns thereof.

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Twat rot does not turn me on. Some men will pole anything beside or lacking a pulse.

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she's merely inefficient to verbs herself.


It's an excuse not to shower.

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shes get the right perception but she is in the region of 6 days bad.
Guys do approaching a woman than have showered afterwards spent the daytime or dark out producing raw body perspiration or "flavors" that can be reasonably inticing to the manly.

I prefer a slightly dirty woman than a a moment ago showered woman. It's not unexpected but unconscious. Smelly is not righteous though.


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NO, this is not commonplace feminine practice; your friend is of late ruthless and should bathe her you-know-what. For that that situation mop up her unharmed body. Anyone who lays near her is of late as gross and that's why (Thank God) we own condoms. Once a week! Come on can't she smell herself? Dang, how Gross. Oh, I almost forgot; any middle-of-the-road man is Not attracted to Funk!

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