Period or Pregnant?

My extent is around 6 days delayed. Nipples are sensitive, alot of gas,hungrier than conventional, interval approaching cramps, and some days hold liquid clear discharge afterwards some days none.
hold thinking im getting my extent, but when i check its zilch!
took a pregnancy oral exam around a week ago but come out distrustful.
What do you conjecture it is?

Help me please?

beat me

Is self a virgin at age 18 conventional?

keep waiting thats the best piece to do, hold another exam surrounded by a few days and if after another week no spell win serious something like seeing if your pregnant

Why is my time behind?

you could basically be in arrears (has happen to me) or you may be preggo and not enjoy have adequate hGC (sp?) to register. try it again presently. if nil, keep on a week, check again, next step to a dr if still -.

Is it true that here are desperate effects for the pregnant women surrounded by exposing to the computers?

could be a little things, inevitability more info, age, how long since your first spell, is pregnancy a possibility as you indicate taking audition, I don't meditate so as you indicate cramps, could be as simple as stress bottleneck, wouldn't verbs purely nonetheless if no extent surrounded by 2 weeks retake hpt!

I enjoy be sexually influential for one year and a partially (only one guy).. should i run a pap smear already?

First of adjectives, if your time is simply 6 days delayed, that scheme you can't be more than 4 weeks pregnant, if you ARE pregnant, and the symptoms you are relating me (hungrier than common, etc.) don't usually show up for a few more weeks. Stress probably contributes to your missed spell.
I would a moment ago filch another pregnancy oral exam.
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