I need help now! PLEASE!?

Ok I met this guy online he cam across my myspace. and he other said nice things around me and how i looked pretty. and i never really thought anything of it, it turned out he lived a few minutes from where on earth i did and he know it...I moved...not for that point but i moved a hour from within, and we where on earth discussion and he said he is 17 powerfully i did not consider anything of it..im 13. capably he started chitchat foul..still i be stupid and talk posterior.. when we started conversation he be resembling what do your parents regard in the order of us? and i asked what i said where on earth only chitchat online his word "if you parents required to be dicks they could throw me within jail" very well im similar to your 17 its not similar to he be 18 and i be not going to notify anyone because it be a moment ago a online friend. ably he asked he he could see my pictures in good health he already saw them once online.next he get more and i don;t know how. later he showed me hs and he does not look similar to 17 at adjectives he looks close to at least possible 20 something

what should i do?

WHAT is my problem?

Tell your parents! Or someone elder that you know. Men hold other things on their mind at that age sweetheart, and if he looked-for to see your pictures, he probably solely desires to use your body. BE CAREFUL!! Cutt him rotten, and dont consent to him know where on earth you live. If her keep at it, later bid the cops. Better not detrimental than sorry. TAKE CARE

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Don't ever cooperate to him again and don't grant him any personal information close to where on earth you live or anything. He can be tricking you and he may not even be that youthful.

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tell you parents and if they suspect somthing they can phone the police

Slow the flow?

omg sweetie stop wat ur doing right in a minute i have a myspace stalker... he get my number and other kept calling me! i did everything possible and this guy kept tlaking dirty tooo i only unseen no issue what he sed... even if it insulted me i wouldnt uphold myself cuz if i did he would keep hold of tlaking to me and nagging... after a while he stopped calling and i blocked him from my myspace page..if anythign worse happen to u from him let somebody know someone on the double and wat eva u do: DO NOT MEET WITH HIMMM! correct luck =]]


well if you close to him and he respects you confer it a try save stop talkin to him

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you should stop discussion to this guy and block him. at hand are lots of discouraging populace out nearby that want to do doomed to failure stuff to girls you're age. dont offer him any personal information. And if you imagine its nescessary, delete you're myspace and label a foreign one so he cant contact you. nation tell stories, and they where on earth lots mask.

I inevitability a erudite womans support..?

Block him from ur myspace and send for the cops on him. He sounds close to a paedophile.

Tell ur parents what he is clich?? to u, love. Then they will probably do what they reckon is best. But gain as far away from him as u can.

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Just quit chitchat to him. It dosen't nouns close to a healty relationship for a 13 yr older to be within. You should never communicate anyone particularly much online unless you know them myself first. Also are the pictures that he have of you...ones that you posted on myspace. If not.next you may requirement to alert your parents to this reality. Because here are alot of guys out near that prey on the innocence of someone your age.if you don't belive me...in recent times turn on the TV at dark.near is an episode that have be going on for slightly some time.that catch guys doing a short time ago that. Most of them are not as babyish as they told the girl that they be. So basically be extremely carefull contained by everything that you do. Life is precious in every bearing. Don't consent to some sicko past its sell-by date the internet pinch any of that away from you!

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don't parley to him .he's not worth it...you can find better friends anyway...if he debate to you or contacts you contained by any channel again budge to your parents or someone elder...don't distribute him any more information in the order of yourself.if anything else happen close to he magically call you or something dont' pick up and inform your parents...and perchance stir the cops if important.

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Go right presently and report to your parents and spawn sure they call upon the cops and report him. What he is doing is unjust and extraordinarily treacherous to you. This guy is lone interested in one piece and it's not your capably mortal. Do not enjoy any more contact beside him. Block him if you can.

Have you see Dateline NBC, they own be running an ongoing sting to arrest these guys.
If you enjoy kept copies of the chats, consequently kind sure the cops take them.

Protect yourself and stay secure on the network. If it seem wrong, it is wrong and you can seize hurt really discouraging.

Help me?

End your online chats near this guy in a minute. You really don't requirement to be stalked by a pediphile, and i.e. what this guy is doing. See, he already know too much going on for you and doesn't even requirement the pictures. He's playing up to you and the unbroken time he feel resembling he's get the upper foot. Tell your parents. Let them know that this is bothering you. If you be my child, I would want to know within direct to fashion sure that you be totally protected from jerk similar to this guy. Please look out, and Never, Ever supply out personal information to ANYBODY.

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you can't stay serene you gotta convey someone...thats why i dont similar to myspace.if he is conversation objectionable block him from e mail you...or...amass adjectives the messages he ever sent you..consequently if something happen you enjoy proof that he harrased you.but sweetie u gotta transmit ur parents
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