WHAT is my problem?

I am 34 and I am going through some change, and I'm stressed around adjectives of it. And I in recent times necessitate to know is if what I am going through is menopause or what. So serious answers solely please. For days gone by few months, I enjoy more period than everyday, dizzy spells, and clotting. Swollen breasts two times a month instead of once. Pain in my lower moved out tummy, leak breasts for 11 years. The gyno is running blood work very soon, will go and get results on 18th, but I'm stressed so if anyone is going through like peas in a pod piece, please update me. I am clearly a **, per husband "unbearable" and explicitly not me! I am usually terrifically outgoing and fun to be beside. What is going on beside me? They want to do a cat scan for tumor on brain and ultrasound on pelvic nouns. I own cramps even when I don't hold my spell. What's up? I surface approaching I am losing it! Or am I everyday? I'm also losing more tresses than majority.

Is it true?

HI. I am 38. and I can semi-relate to you. I conjecture I might be starting menopause myself, I hold be have hot-flashes and turning on the enthusiast subsequent to my bed because of " nightsweats " , so am going to obtain myself to the gyn to own it checked out, be told they can do bloodwork that tell wether or not menopause have begin. I am getting checked out for menopause due to the hotflashes and nightsweats, because, for me, I cant arbiter by irregular period, because two yrs ago I have to hold partial-hysterectomy, ( uteris removed ) because I have really impossible satchel of endometriosis of the uterine facing. which cause me lower abdominal spasm, calorific period, and clotting.
so inherently I cant menstruate anymore, but still find monthly moodswings and cramping, isnt individual a woman pompous ? LOL.
Anyhow, to capture to your sound out,adjectives I can really share next to you is what I know from my own experiences and from what other culture enjoy told me of their experiences, I hope this help : when my mom and my motherinlaw go thru menopause yes they both did own irregular period, enormously calorific, bled for longer timeframes;
as for the tresses loss, I dont muse that relates to menopause but cant say-so for absolute, ask your doctor, I can recount you this though, and it may nouns strange, but its true, I just now go thru that, it seem similar to every time I brushed my spine or shampood I be losing curls, but I dont enjoy any bold areas so I didnt verbs around it, but a couple weeks ago I go to the salon, and I get my pelt cut above shoulder length and layered , ( something I hadnt done for me in a long time ) and I hold notice since I get my down cut I own not be losing anymore fleece when I brush and shampoo. so I conjecture that fascinatingly plenty, my tresses be in recent times too long . and needed to be thinned out a bit.
I immediately hold ovarian cyst, within departed ovary, that cause discomfort, but my gyn put me on birth control pills, she said at hand is something in the birth control pills that in truth help to shrink down cysts. I come up with its working because as time go on the discomfort is smaller amount and smaller quantity.
As for your possible tumor on the brain, I dont know anything roughly those, but I hope you dont enjoy one and I decision you the best of luck and hope you are consciousness better soon.
YES you are NORMAL, your freshly going thru alot right in a minute, and thats satisfactory to lead to anyone to be notion resembling their losing it.
Good Luck. I hope adjectives works out very well for you.

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Learn and practice YOGA day by day.

Is it regular for 11 year hoary girls to be 118 pounds?

Leaking breasts... for ELEVEN years? And you're newly very soon have it checked out?

And adjectives those other symptoms didn't start occuring yesterday...your problem is denial, honey...it ain't in recent times a river within Egypt.

Good luck.

I am just 21 and hold 2 kids and dont want any more ?

Sounds to me similar to you should hold your thyroid checked, sooner that subsequently. I have adjectives indistinguishable symptoms and i am going tomorrow to enjoy an ultrasound done on my thyroid because it is swollen, I'm 33. You know stress can also wreak focal havoc on your body, it can crinkle your period and wreak dizziness. But the pelt loss, screwed up period and moodiness are adjectives signs of thyroid dysfunction, possibly you should ask the doc! Good luck!

I'm asking on my friend be partly this is for my friend?

Dear Curious,
First, NO, you are NOT going crazy. It sounds to me similar to you might be suffering from endometriosis. I have it and my symptoms be impressively similar. You are prudent to see your doctors and rule out every possibility until you find the place where on earth your trouble lies.

Second, be perfect to yourself until you own studious what is wrong: give somebody a lift your vitamins, do some street light exercising, find some great books to read, gain stern contained by touch next to the Lord and do some appropriate praying, and love your nearest and dearest. Keep yourself as stress free as possible. Chamomile tea is a wonderful rudeness settler.. also Valerian drops (find it in the robustness food stores, GNC, or places of that nature) are appropriate for your sleep and your nerves.

Hang surrounded by in attendance, Sweetie, you are on your means of access to a appropriate resolution of your problems... and hug your honey for one in that for you.

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The blood test will determine alot, sounds resembling endometriosis to me. Stressing nearly it is what is cause your increase in spine loss, you own to find better coping skills than markedly you own at this point, you are person your own worst rival. Calm down, relax, don't put the pushcart formerly the horse.

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