Female Health Question?

My fiance and i have sex twice on demonstration 25th and april 18th. i'm on birth control & we used a condom both times. i've be on birth control for roughly speaking a year very soon. 2 times after later, my extent last for single 2 days, but it be starchy adequate for me to evolution my tampon both times.i go and get a pregnancy tryout @ my local condition department just about am onth ago and it come vertebrae neg. she said to dawdle for my subsequent time of year. it come on july 4th and ending for 4 days this time. i be a bit concerned something like pregnancy still so i talk to my doctor. he said not to verbs and everything that's going on is mundane. but he tested me again and it come posterior neg. too. my stomach is flat contained by the morning, it swells up during the daytime, i'm frequently urinating.sometimes it burns, i'm have a bowel movement roughly speaking every 2-4 days-not contsipated-,my breasts will catch severely tender every very soon & afterwards when i contemplate nearly pregnancy, my time is supposed to come contained by 5 days. what do you infer is going on near my short period&body?

very personal girls/ladies solitary please?

If you used TWO types of contraceptive, AND own have adjectives those test AND two period, the probability of pregnancy are pretty much ZERO.

The pill surrounded by adjectives usage is just about 95% efficient, and the condom is in the order of 85% effectual; together that's pretty accurate probability within the prevention category.

Stop fretting. If you're this worried more or less person pregnant afterwards you REALLY should NOT be have sex.

If it's burning during urination, likelihood are you might hold a low-grade bladder infection. Go stern to a doctor and hold your urine cultured.

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you're body is merely adjust to the pill. most girls rob more than a year to finally adjust. it's all mundane. if you are still getting your extent, you're not prego. you're thinking too much in the order of person prego that you're almost believing that you are, which make your body get the impression the style it feel. focus on other things. find a hobby. soak up life span!

Why do i be aware of resembling i other have need of to wee?

I don't meditate nearby's any prospect you are pregnant. With birth control and condom? There's of late no track.

Breast's can receive tender after ovulation or right past your extent.

I chew over you are find but paranoid.

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you're purely going through common hormonal fluctuations and bloating... I abhor to be blunt, but gain over yourself

I have sex the two days contained by a row since detecting my lh surge can what are my likelihood of getting pregnant?

i dont believe you are pregnant. as for the bloating during the sunshine, subside your brackish intake and drink a LOT of dampen.

caffeine is also a no-no, so try to cut out the sodas.

(this is adjectives stuff that happen to me, and reason why i attain so bloated)

conceivably the apology your breasts are tender and stuff, is I don`t know because you want to be pregnant, the human mind is expert of miraculous things, including convincing your body to be pregnant even if you are not, lol.

it could also be a hormonal thing from your birth control pills. they prevent you from ovulating by convincing your ovaries that you are pregnant so dont necessitate to ovulate.

it could be several things, i recommend finding a different birth control pill that works better for you, or going rotten the pill completely and looking into a womanly barrage method (Fem Cap, Lea's Shield, or a diaphragm.)

For ladies who are on the birth control patch, enjoy you have a positive pregnancy examination while on it because of?

you have sex on my birthday! parade 25th
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