I had sex the two days in a row before detecting my lh surge can what are my odds of getting pregnant?


if men have period would they cope?

The LH surge usually mechanism the egg will be released surrounded by 12-24 hours. While sperm can't live for incredibly long contained by the vagina, any sperm that have made it into your uterus can live near for days.

The most fertile time is the day of ovulation, and the day earlier it. So, yes, you did hold sex at a deeply fertile time. That's still no guarantee that you will certainly bring pregnant, though.

Not sure if you're trying to gain pregnant, or trying to avoid it. The channel unconscious house planning is supposed to work is that you cram your cycle, predict when the LH surge will ensue respectively month, and abstain from sex 6 days PRIOR to that and almost 3 days after.

Good luck!
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