Is this breast milk? If so what could be causing it?

The final few months my breast enjoy be realy sore around my time of year, I own have three children and nursed them adjectives, my youngest is nine. But for some justification it feel resembling they are producing a smlll amount of milk, I squeezed my nipple and a couple of small drops of soft come out. I"m only culmination my menstrual cycle so and I did a pregnancy examination a week ago that be unenthusiastic so I know I'm not pregnant.

Dizzyness, upset stomach, cramps. Females merely pls?

Back contained by '05 I begin lactating and I know that I wasn't pregnant. I call my gyn and told her what be going on. She ordered some bloodwork to check my prolactin level, they be elevated. I be afterwards sent for an MRI scan of the brain... it showed that I enjoy a small pituitary tumor.

Rest assured, this type of point is other BENIGN (harmless) and does not front to cancer.

Call your gyn. She/he might do the blood work to check your prolactin level and afterwards dance from near.

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im not exactly sure, but i never have a child and that have happen to me also.

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you perchance pregnant or lactating.....

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it is a moment ago end in of hormonal transmute contained by your body one example point for it is acquirement age

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I don't suggest to panic you, but stir to your Gynecologist to return with evaluated as nipple discharge is one indicator of cancer. It is fundamentally possible it is something else that is to say cause this, but why lug probability as you already enjoy 3 children? Make an appointment asap.

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If you are taking different kind of medicine that could be the problem, I be on several different meds. and it happen to me.

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This happen to my sister, but inopportunely, I can't remember the outcome.but I know she wasn't pregnant. check near your doctor.

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Certain medication can exact your prolactin level to become elevated or they can be elevated by pitiutary tumors. Breast discharge can also be cause by cancer. Your best bet is to own your gyn check you out and do blood work.
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