Could birth control be making me pee alot?

I've been on birth control for almost a year...and in the end month or so I've been peeing a lot...what could it be?

Answers:    It's not your birth control, enjoy you increased your take in fluids.? do you own diabetes run in the family.
It could be the birth control because tons women who are just getting used to it experience that, but since you've been on it for so long I would consider whether or not you enjoy a low-grade but ongoing UTI (urinary tract infection). I would ask your doctor to be sure, he/she may switch you to a different pill if it is a major issue.

Also, consider other factors, approaching whether or not you have increased your intake of caffeine or any fluid in standard..
What kind of birth control?

It could be a urinary tract infection, or a slight chance of Diabetes.

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