Need Help On This One Ladies/Docs?

hi i started my period aged 12 and even since hold have really calorific, severe headache period, prescribed the pill at 13, did no appropriate, changed to the injection aged 17, which made me pile on mass and constantly be on a extent, stayed on that for a year, later until i be 20 i have no contraception but be still constantly on a spell. i be next given a stab every three months to bring on menopause and prescribed HRT, turned into a psycho lol and come bad it, one month following i be pregnant, have a lovely kid girl and immediately nearly eight months next i own be rotten my extent for 2 weeks over that time,have bud inserted in demonstration, and prescribed pill alongside it surrounded by june and still bleeding! whats wrong next to me, i am so tired, really sensitive durin sex(when we can do admin it!), really bloated belly, sharp shootingpain in belly and inside me.ultrasounds adjectives clear so really stuck and feed up! appreciation for replys.

I own a horrible Flu what help?

my friend have that problem, she go surrounded by to obgyn and the burned the cervix to stop bleeding, outpatient procedure, it worked. you may also own endometriosis, enjoy them check that too. virtuous luck

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could be endometritis, any that or your allergic to one of the hormones surrounded by your pill. your body is put lower than like mad of strain when bleeding adjectives the time so move about and get hold of something done just about it and ask to be referred to a specialist.

fitting luck hope it isnt something too peculiar

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See another doctor. Also lift iron pills because I'm sure near adjectives that bleeding you are anemic.

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Aww hun I really sympathise next to you on this cos I know how raw period can be, but nearby's no road my situation could be anywhere as impossible as yours, you poor love.

I would hold suggested going final to your doctor but they don't seem to be to be helping u much.
Could you not ask to be referred to see a specialist, or ask for blood test to see if it could be anything else, apart from that I don't know. But I really hope you be in charge of to sort it out.

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First I wonder how elderly you are presently? Next I would suggest getting a second view, and/or finding a unusual Doctor. What you are going through sounds awful.

Whats up beside me?

It could be something approaching endometriosis. You share copious of like symptoms as women near endometriosis. Unfortunately it can lone be diagnosed during a laperoscopy (operative proceedure where on earth a influence is inserted through a hole in the navel).

There is relief available, nearby are several support groups and I would recommend that you any obtain to see Dian Shepperson Mills or organise a consultation by telephone/post
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