IS this the side affect?


I enjoy be on the contraceptive pill for a few weeks presently, but i hold lately notice that my breasts are unbelievably tender and i own cramping in my stomach

I have a throat infection and have to filch antibiotics to clear it and be taking the pill at one and the same time, would i hold get pregnant contained by that 5 daytime term that i be on medication as i own individual hear from associates that you can carry preg on the pill if taken right or taken beside antibiotics.

simply i want to know if the contraceptive pill have any side affects such as tender breasts and cramping or should I look further in2 seeing if im in fact preg

Do menstrual cramps hurt as desperate as labor?

yeh for the first few months breast pain is unbelievably adjectives i kno i have it on every pill iv be on.

i would absolutely nick a trial as capably tho a moment ago contained by suitcase effect some antibiotics can coppers the efficiency of the pill and you dont want to be taking any unneeded pills when your pregnant even tho they dont really do any mar to an unborn newborn, its other best not to pinch something if you dont requirement to.

obedient luck!

Any suggestions on how to relieve menstrual cramps?

Yeah you do for the first 6 months but you should confirm that everything is ok next to your doctor. If you are taking antibiotics and have sex after you may be pregnant as some antibiotics counteract the contraceptive pill you should confirm this next to your GP. It is adjectives for those to obtain those side affects but to consent to your mind rest newly check near your doctor. They are the professionals.

my vagina maw are baggy by freshly lower than an can i aid this?

Many antibiotics effect how the pill works. It is possible you could win pregnant. I would recomment staying away from sex when taking them. Yes some sideeffects can be breast discomfort and cramping.

Wow I'm confused, please facilitate this is serious?

The signs your are showing could be due to any pregnancy or pill side effects. Most pills work by encouraging progesterone release (the hormone produced during pregnancy). Antibiotics can dull the efficency of the pill so other protection should be taken during this time.
I would try a pregancy check in a couples of weeks to be on the undisruptive side but i expect is unlikely you are pregnant.

Ladies how can I procure the pill?

Taking any medication whilst on the pill lowers the effect of it,but yes its average to own those symthoms,if it puts your mind at rest afterwards do a pregnancy interview.upright luck
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