Anyone gain a lot of weight on Effexor?

I took Effexor for nearly 2 months and gain 10 lbs. I would resembling to know if anyone else have alike experience?

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I be on it for 6 months and gain seriously of substance! I be also taking Depo-provera so I assumed it be the B/C but I've gotten sour the effexor and lost weightiness.

Core stability bubble?

I be on effexor xr since 2002 an havent have any weightiness gain. Case your Dr. didn't make clear to you some side effects are
1=possible increase in blood pressure
2= increase of possible liver damage
Thats lone 2 I ponder of right stale foot. Also after getting on it you MUST be weaned past its sell-by date slowly because of fruitless side effects from stoping.
I be told by those who stoped it it be than getting rotten herion, however I don't plan to ever stop mine, it keep me from person suicidal.
Good Luck.

Virago Jim
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