My life is sort of dificult right now and im stressing please help!?

im going through a rough pathway beside friend problems and puberty.I cant go and get answers from my mom caus she is busy.

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Sweetheart I am a childlike mother of two girls if you enjoy question you can email me. [email protected]. I would be at ease to endow with you the best direction that I can. I know how rock-hard it can be and also how tricky it can be to speak to your own mother. Please tolerate me know what I can do to abet

When is the time right?

Ask me the quiz

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You didn't ask a interrogate, hon =)

What does the?

Try keeping a record and write your mental state down. You can also ask question on here, but keep hold of them short and be specific. You can ask a trainer if you know any resourcefully adequate to hail as them. There might also be an suggestion hotline for teenagers that you can name. Good luck.

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Ask a grill. Do not administer out identify information.

Sex for the first time, advise/info?

dont verbs. you can ask me anything, since i hold a big line, ive see it ALL. so, i only might hold your answer. you can trust me! dont verbs. plus i can pray for you if you would resembling me to.

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what do you have need of facilitate beside?
freshly remember - hold on to an additional light of day - modify will come your mode!
don't sweat the small stuff and remember . if YOU are at idiosyncrasy for something next fess up and achieve it out. you'll have a feeling so much better. if someone else is buggin on you next turn away from it - its not worth the stress.
accurate luck to you and please have a chat to your mom! she'll create time for ya!

Why are vaginas pink in youthful girls?

Welcome to middle age! There are ups and downs contained by vivacity. Don't verbs too much. Calm down. Take philosophical breath, close your eyes and pray. Difficult time just make your stronger..

I am positive i hold a yeast infection. I never have sex,what will my reg doctor do to check if its a yeast inf

If Mom is too busy, do you hold any other people member you can speak to. Grandma perchance? Aunt? If not, how in the region of a university counselor? Or anybody elder that you trust?
Try writing your problems and sensations down printed, sometimes that help.
You can have a word to population on "Answers", but it would be BEST to have a word to someone you trust.
Or notify your Mom that this is serious to you, and you really NEED her warning, I don`t know she will tell to you.
Good Luck, Sweetie, hope you obtain the answers you necessitate.

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You poor entity - if you have need of someone to chat to - it seem we're adjectives here - my emails contained by my profile to if you want to chat or even freshly transport a cross-question. I'll try to support the best I can. Best of luck and angelic wishes I hope it will adjectives turn out all right for you soon. :)
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