Very serious question! please help! i'm worried...?

I have have burning during sex and itching in my vagina for about 2 months in a minute. First I went a free nursing station and they told me I have bactirial Vaginosis. I took medicine, but symptoms come right back. Then I go to see a real doctor and she told me that I own a slight yeats infection. So again, i took the medicine. Now something like a week later, I no longer own itching but it still burns very unsuccessfully when I have sex. What should I do. I'm awfully worried that this may be somthing more serious. Is there any bearing that the doctors could have missed something more serious or should I of late go fund to the doctor and get stronger tablets? Please help!

can someone let somebody know me what is good to devour when you got diverculosis?

When you hold any kind of infection and have sex you and your sexual partner need to be treated. Also if you are waiting to be clear previously you have sex he could be cheating. Having more than one partner can effect this. Also if you are usuing protection you could be reacting to the condems. There are alot of reason for this. Including a imballance in your yeast and bactiria. Go back to your doctor and try to pin point the problem. Good luck.

what can be done for feminine sexual disfunction?

stop haveing sex

i have a mirena coil fitted, will a home menopause test supply an accurate result?

I would recommend going back to the dr and this time have them check to see if part of your problem could be a urinary tract infection to see if that might be playing in to this.

This also sounds resembling it could be something called vulvodynia (pain of the vulva-external genital area).

To swot up more about this condition check out: (if that end doesn't work try .com)

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