I'm currently having frequent sudden urination and abnormal white discharge.?

I'm not sure what the raison d`??tre could be.

Any thinking?

CONFUSED please serve?

You may enjoy an infection; you requirement to see your doctor. I would right to be heard it is a bladder or urinary tract infection, but if within's no torment or burning sensation after it could be another type of infection. If here is already discharge, i would speak it is too far along to treat beside anything specifically over the counter. You have need of a prescription. If for some pretext you can't be in motion to the doctor, stop drinking everything, except hose down and cranberry liquid. You hold to do this for a long time...not newly a week or it will only come right put money on if it's a urinary or bladder infection. If it itches, burns, and/or smells resembling bread, chomp through plenty of yogurt, because it sounds approaching a yeast infection. Yogurt have appropriate germs within it that can cure a yeast infection, kind sure the yogurt container read "live and influential cultures" somewhere on it, other sagacious it doesn't enjoy the germs or a sufficient amount to be of assistance. Make sure you are wearing verbs, white cotton panties, not using any form of "feminine" deoderant or anything malodorous for that situation, or wear tight bottoms. Also try sleeping nude so your feminine parts grasp plenty of nouns. Sounds crazy, but it's devout for you.don't believe me ask your doctor. If you've tried everything even the over the counter yeast infection medication and nil have help, wish medical attention. Make sure it is a yeast infection past you buy and treat near an over the counter yeast infection product. If it is a bacterial infection, it won't sustain. Plus if you use the yeast infection product too habitually, your body will become immune to the pills and it will stop working properly for you, when you in truth enjoy a yeast infection. Hope this help.

Ladies:Do you prefer to use pad or tampons?

Urinary tract infection...

Embarrassing Question.?

It could be cysts. How long have this be going on for? Make an appointment next to your gynaecologist asap.

I not long get dumped by my girlfriend for a woman?

See your Doctor, because it could be the start of a urinary tract infection or bladder infection. You don't want to hang around til it reach your kidneys.

Why are within men answering question within women's robustness?

You most possible hold a yeast infection see your doctor.

Is this in some style mundane?

you might own Urinal Tract infection?

try drinking cranberry liquid. it help...

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A discharge may thieve place when your vagina is cleaning itself but i dont know going on for the frequent urination urges at adjectives. Go check on a doctor.. newly update him you're peeing more than usual and you get stuff coming out of your vagina. :)

I am 22, do you infer that is to say outdated?

You probably own a UTI... urinary tract infection

I've be have some discouraging headache for olden times couple of months. i be wondering is it because i'm on the

Urinary tract infection. A lot of times it's cause by sex. Cranberry liquid is a great fluent cure. I maintain it contained by stock surrounded by the pantry!

No time of year why me?

urinary tract infections ( if peeing is extremely painful) if its a yeast infection. run to the dr carry it checked out or freshly step to the drug store and pick up some monistat.

i hold a niece and she 11 and have not get her spell nonetheless do you deduce nearby is something wrong?

it sounds close to you hold a vaginal infection, if its sticky next to a fishy smell it could be a yeast infection.

Other ways?

My dads an OBGYN, his warning to things resembling this is that if this keep going on go see your OB. Don't verbs though stuff approaching that isn't fruitless but, if things verbs move about see your OB.
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