Jelly like discharge?

pretty much clear, but really sticky.. doesn't appear to be liquid.
is this ovulation? this is my 1st month w/o using oral contraceptives for a year.. is this why its soo sticky/stiff?

Am i still a virgin?

Yes, this sounds resembling ovulation. The mucus from ovualtion is clear approaching egg white and if you touch it, it is stringy. If you touch your finger and thumb later verbs them apart it will be stretchy from one to the other. Once swot up what it is close to it is incredibly natural to certify and to know when you ovulate. Yes, this is why it is so sticky. The first time after have a toddler will appear indistinguishable opening too.

Why do girls or women take annoyed when i look at their boobs?

this should explain

Missed extent, NOT pregnant, frequent urination, fatigue, low BP, abdominal problemswhat is it?

If it is clumpy and "cottage cheese" approaching, it is a sign of infection and should be looked at by a doctor.

If it is egg white consistency, consequently it is ovulation. The certainty that you a moment ago get stale of birth control is a obedient pretext why this is scheduled. This method you own resumed ovulation. :)

Me and my aunt are have a debate just about donating an egg?

yep, it's cervical mucus. the actual possession for it during ovulation is egg white cervical mucus, because the color and consitency resembles underdone egg whites (clearish and stretchy) and to be exact one of the best ways of detecting ovulation, subsequent to basal body warmth

Dizzyness! details contained by side?

its ordinary every girl get it. but if it smells really doomed to failure and its wan later its probably a yeast infection. otherwise its everyday

Is it prerequisite to do a smear try-out on a lenient that have have no mentstrual bleeding for a year.?

It is cervical mucus, the thicker and stickier discharge occur during ovulation.

Question more or less womans healthkind of imbarassing?

Definitely ovulation. It customarily falls within the middle of your cycle, for example if you have a length once every 30 days, it would begin around hours of daylight 15 for a couple of days.
Distinct signs of ovulation are the starchy clear thickish discharge, it's similar to a thickish egg white.
Another distinct indication of ovualtion is that while you are ovulating you will become aware of that you are more "contained by the mood". It's adjectives a factor of spirit, we are designed to be more sensitive and truly want sex more at the time we are the most possible to conceive.adjectives cog of God's plan to keep hold of the species going.
Look for those two distinct signs and spot the timing respectively month, chart it too, it will become a exceptionally conspicuous stencil to you if your cycle is regular. I hold be doing this for oodles years and it's rather predictable.
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