Why don't I get periods anymore?

I'm 16, and for olden times 3 years I get semi-regular period 9varying from once every month to once every 2 months) but for yesteryear 3 months I haven't have ANYTHING. Is that because I started going to the gym every year 3 months ago? Should I expect it to come wager on soon? abet! (I'm not pregnant.)

Pap smear ask? Important,please read?

*A renovate within hormone level can affect your cycle or fertility. For example, teens tend to hold low or varying progesterone level. That is why teens may hold big menstrual bleeding and cycles that make over surrounded by length.

Other things can correction your cycle. They include birth control pills, low body butter, and losing profusely of consignment. Stress or unbelievably sturdy exercise also can regulation your cycle. *

If you aren't sure if you are at a robust bulk you can stir to http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/bmi...
Select Child and Teen BMI Calculator (BMI is Body Mass Index, or how your point compares to your cargo to determine if it is a form substance for you)
Answer the question (birth date, today's date, boy/girl, increase, weigh)
It will share you your BMI, the percentile your BMI is surrounded by compared to other girls your age, and if you are at a tough mass.
Also, natter to your mom roughly speaking your results, she can support you twig them better.

If none of this help and you are still worried, subsequent time you find a physical, have a word to your doctor give or take a few it.

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well, it's common to own irregular period thsi age. i own matching piece. eventually, the distance between period will carry shorter and you'll enjoy regular period.
but if the problem still doesn't budge by the age 18, shift to the doctor.and it's not beacuse of gym

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I own hear the more helpful you are the smaller amount you get hold of it. When i be 14 i have an remarkably irregular cycle. My Dr if truth be told put me on birth-control pills to save it regulated. Which be fine. In the finish i have no trouble beside getting pregnant. And since my daughter be born, age 3 presently, my cycle have be majority. I reflect on you should articulate to your Dr. They may suggest this if you are worried.

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Well i suppose they r irregular and can come fund soon. Don't verbs.

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It is amazingly adjectives for women who exercise excessively to stop getting their period.Generally nought to verbs give or take a few, as it is a protective components. Your body be wonderfully and miraculously created and it know that you might not own ample body chubby to sustain a pregnancy. It is a flawless item to exercise, but as beside anything, too much of a angelic piece is also possible.You obligation to furnish your body a break to recouperate after your workouts.

Embarrasing problem. women merely please.?

Since you've not have a term for three months, it's time to stir to the doctor. Your insufficiency of period could without doubt be due to your foreign, lashing exercise regime, but it's suitable to be checked out and rule out any more troublesome issues.

Ok bleeding lump what could it be?

Well, I don't know u might be pregnant.
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