Why Women Must Period?


Why the boobs?!?!?

period are the bin liner of the uterus. if you be pregnent consequently the egg would arrest, be fertalized, and a babe-in-arms would grow, using the bin liner. when the egg isnt fertalized, its released so that bright pool liner can form.

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Period is what serve attain rid of germs and that other things in a woman's body. It is also a pregnancy exam! No Period, Yes Baby!

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so we hold babys

I know this topic comes up alot but i havent found anything for my quiz, length support please?

ughh.you dont HAVE to...you can bring back yourself fixed. but later you cannot hold children. i know how you consistency. ITS SO ANNOYING!!

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Why do guys sweat similar to hogs? It's existence. Deal near it.

If I'm on birth control is at hand any time when I can still draw from pregnant?

to reproduce but it sux

I obligation answers?

i don't know but trust me if you don't own your extent you really miss him, i enjoy almost 18 months short my term and it sucks i have a 9 moth out-of-date child and since she be born i haven have my term and i want him backbone

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It's enthusiasm, and it bites. You wanna blame someone? BLAME ADAM AND EVE! AND EVE ATE THE APPLE THAT TURNED OUR WORLD UPSIDE DOWN! Well as surrounded by of poorer quality it could've be, anyways.

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Every month our body get prepared to ahve ababy. If the fetus isnt fertilized consequently it and adjectives the other stuff get wash out next to a time of year. So every month if the fetus isnt fertilized its flushed out next to blood. thtas why if you take pregnant u stop getting period.

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Eve ate the apple on the forbidden Fruit tree, So God made men more "powerful" so consequently we enjoy to be the one to enjoy the babies. SO WE HAVE TO HAVE THEM UNLESS U WANNA GET FIXED OR SOME OTHER NONSENSE! GEEZ AND IT BLOWS!

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A length is simply the thicken inside layer of the uterus person sloughed past its sell-by date when conception have not taken place. It mechanism a woman is not pregnant.

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Because Life Is * . Its So You Can Make Babies. But Its Even Shittier If You dont Want Kids. Like Me. Thats Why Guys Have An Advantage.

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or else
in that wont be humans
it will be extinct..(however u spell it)

btw r u chinese? coz ur pet name seem chinese..and im chinese =D

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becuase women own eggs contained by thier vaginas and if a guy doesnt enjoy sex next to them consequently a girl have her spell to get hold of rid of the egg and if she does hold sex next she doesnt bring back her extent and shes preganat
hehe dude i learnd more or less this within similar to 7th level
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