I donno if im pregnant.?

my stomach is hurting and i capture for a time nauseas.
im not getting headache.
i grasp the entail to step to the bathroom alot.
im suppose to bring back my length on the 21st.

Vaginal prob? Im alarmed..?

Okay here is what I reason you should do, loaf untill the 21st and see if it comes, except dawdle a week or 2 and but for anything still than any see a doctor, or bear a preg. exam. Alot of times you can perceive this process from stress, and also not own your term from stress. So lately calm down down and relax. Do you pocket birthcontrole? Because sometimes birthcontrol can clear you be aware of preg. to.



I hold have discharge for over a year and still no time of year.can you put a tampon contained by earlier you own your length?

i reflect you are. especially if you hold to pee plentifully. those are some of the signs.

I'm 42 beside a 4 year mature. About 7-10 days in the past my time of year, I screech and screech at her adjectives the time. HELP!

You are a unbroken week away from your term mortal due, assuming you enjoy a 28 light of day cycle, a hpt probably wouldn't ensnare plenty growth hormone to consider, it would be really strange to hold symptoms already, but it is possible. I have an idea that it is more predictable you hold a virus.

You could lift a interview in a minute, but if it said distrustful I don't reckon it would suggest anything as you are merely one week former conception if you are pregnant. Take another one on the 22nd if your time does not come.

throwing up while i am have my spell ?

No your not. you dont procure pregnancy symptoms so hasty.

Do adjectives hernias involve to be surgically repaired?

I'd inevitability more information to authority that correctly and I'm not doctor or nurse. If you are smaller amount than 2 or 3 months pregnant you wouldn't discern any symptoms besides possible fundamentally tender or sensitive breasts. The idea for frequent urination during pregnancy is the fetus pressing against your bladder as it grows, so specifically not one of the first symptoms. That could be a urinary tract infection. I didn't get hold of any nausea until I be close to three months pregnant. You can other clutch a try-out to find out as the date get closer. There is one that will tolerate you interview up to five days up to that time your missed extent.

Girls, have this ever happen to you?

It is possible. Wait 3 days, afterwards cart a pregnancy assessment.

when i drinki perceive braindead the subsequent hours of daylight. whats up?

Just hang around. Some of the signs you enjoy said are signs of pregnancy but I would skulk til after the 21st to start worrying afterwards merely buy a audition.
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