Nurses, doctors, and medical experts, please?

I'm 15, 5'1," and weigh 83 pounds. I've be told I call for to gain consignment. How much should I weigh? Also, even though I know I inevitability to gain solidity, I hold a dependence of counting my calories, so I surface guilty for EVERYTHING I put within my mouth, even if it's a banana or an apple. What should I do to minister to myself?

PLEASE HELP! I've be working in a hot laundromat to be exact resembling 89-92 degree F.?

I deduce you should want medical relieve, outside of the internet. It seem close to your approaching an ingestion disorder. Talk to your parents and dance see a doctor that can oblige you guzzle properly. I know you don't reason that you could return with an intake disorder, but it's a fundamentally possible and solid piece, budge see a professional asap.

Help beside sex drive?

Get help out high-speed (counceling, medical, etc) are anorexic. If you told your healthcare provider the few short sentences you told would be adjectives they obligation to hear to know. And yes, I am a healthcare provider.

I never have my spell and sex support plz read the press thankz so much!?

I reason you should see a Dr. Sounds as if you hold an consumption disorder. You most sure should NOT be counting calories and sentiment guilty around food.
And the certainty you hold not menstruated since June 6 is a amazingly big red flag to me, you could be doing irreversable spoil to your body. When you don't menstruate you don't produce proper hormones and you could be cause prejudice to your bones.
Please hope counseling soon.

White stuff in pant?

You want medical attention. You involve to speak beside your doctor and also see a consultant.

What happen at the 6 week post natal checkup surrounded by the UK (uk answers individual please)?

You should weigh 100 pounds to be inside the typical stock. It sounds close to you enjoy some body figure issues you necessitate to work out. For a 15 year out-of-date to be that concerned roughly every little point you get through is not psychologically hygienic. You may want to consult to someone within the guidance organization more or less how to get hold of some support near the body sign problem.


It sounds close to you are touching on an consumption disorder.Seek out a nutritionist.They can give a hand work out a diet plan.

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