Pap smear?

how does it work and does it hurt?
my doctor told me i should look into getting 1 but i don't no exactly what it is. please help

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Pap Smear Introduction
Cancer of the cervix (cervical cancer) is the second most adjectives lead to of cancer-related disease and destruction among women worldwide. The best method to detect cervical cancer is by have regular Papanicolaou test, or Pap smears. (Pap is a shortened newspaper of the signature of the doctor who developed the screening experiment.) A Pap smear is a microscopic nouns of cell taken from the cervix.

A Pap smear can detect constant viral infections (such as human papillomavirus [HPV]) and other cancer-causing conditions. Early treatment of these conditions can stop cervical cancer past it fully develops. A woman may own cervical cancer and not know it because she may not own any symptoms.

The incidence of cancer and death from cervical cancer have significantly decline over the years because of prevention, screening, and untimely detection by the Pap smear. In the United States, nearly 2-3 million uncharacteristic Pap smear results are found respectively year. Most of them indicate the impulsive stages of disease and obligation rational supervision by a doctor

During the Procedure
A Pap smear is usually chunk of a pelvic exam and accompany by a breast exam perform by the form keeping provider. It should singular thieve more or less 1 minute to carry out a Pap smear during this overall exam.

The woman will fake on the nouns table (see Multimedia File 1) on her stern near her knees up and bent and her foot surrounded by stirrups (rests). While she is lying on an nouns table, her vigour safekeeping provider will use a small metal or plastic instrument call a speculum to unequivocal the vagina so that the walls of the vagina and cervix can be see clearly.

A token of mucus and cell will be obtain from the cervix (see Multimedia File 2) (the cog of the uterus that extends into the vagina) and endocervix (the first night of the cervix) using a wooden scraper or a small cervical brush or broom.

The preview of cell is evenly applied to a chalice slide and sprayed near a fixative. This taster is sent to the lab for close and assiduous nouns below a microscope. If the doctor is using a tentative open-handed of Pap smear call a ThinPrep audition, the example is rinsed into a vial and sent to a lab for slide preparation and nouns.

A cytologist (a specialist trained to look at the cell and interpret a Pap smear) reviews both types of test.

Some discomfort during the try-out may go off. Most women discern nought at adjectives or consistency pressure. Staying relaxed will lend a hand stop any discomfort. The woman should breathe slowly and concentrate on relaxing her stomach and legs.

A Pap smear should not be scratchy. If experiencing twinge during the testing, the woman should report her doctor.

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The Pap exam, also call a Pap smear, checks for change within the cell of your cervix. The cervix is the lower cog of the uterus (womb) that open into the vagina (birth canal). The Pap oral exam can transmit if you own an infection, deviant (unhealthy) cervical cell, or cervical cancer.

A Pap interview can accumulate your vivacity. It can find the earliest signs of cervical cancer - a adjectives cancer within women. If caught hasty, the luck of curing cervical cancer is hugely large. Pap test also can find infections and unexpected cervical cell that can turn into cancer cell. Treatment can prevent most cases of cervical cancer from developing.

Getting regular Pap test is the best item you can do to prevent cervical cancer. About 13,000 women surrounded by America will find out they enjoy cervical cancer this year. And within 2004, 3,500 women died from cervical cancer contained by the United States.

The pap interview do not really hurt, it's a short time ago really humiliated at tiniest for me it is. It with the sole purpose take a couple of minutes, so it's over really briskly.

Here is what is done:

Your doctor can do a Pap theory test during a pelvic exam. It is a simple and speedy exam. While you story on an exam table, the doctor puts an instrument call a speculum into your vagina, first it to see the cervix. She will after use a special stick or brush to whip a few cell from inside and around the cervix. The cell are placed on a chalice slide and sent to a lab for nouns. While usually painless, a Pap examination is mortified for some women.

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a pap smear is from the inside of the vagina should be done on a twelve-monthly idea is humiliated to enjoy done but lone take a couple of minutes to do

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A pap smear is usually done as a bit of your annual pelvic exam. If your doctor suggested it, later you should budge to a gynocologist and hold a pelvic exam done.
A pap smear is a question paper where on earth they use a (sometimes) wooden collector to calmly chafe your cervix. It is done to collect cell that will be tested. This test is fundamentally major and can detect cervical cancer and other abnormality.
It doesn't hurt (sometimes you might quality pressure, or a sudden pinch), it is prompt and can recover your go.

Fast Metabolism?

a pap smear is when you pop in your gyno every twelve months and when the do the exam they furnish you a gown to wear that open contained by the front, so they do a breat exam and next they also when they do a pap is embezzle a lubricated speculum and place it into you, where on earth they oral exam the inside layer of your cervix, its unbelievably essential due to 70% of the human population anyone infected near the hpv, which is the chief motive within cervical cancer contained by woman if they enjoy the strands that are exposing them to the risk, its a thoroughly rapid painless theory test, you may experience some minor cramping afterwards but that should be it, and possibly a tinge of blood, adjectives of the above is everyday, they also exam you internally and surface inside your cervix, the most significant piece to do is try to be relaxed as possible, best of luck

In strain?

it is within your twelve-monthly exam but since you enjoy never have one the doctor inserts a speculum inside your vagina and scapes for a moment tissue from your cervix it is put on a slide and sent to the lab adjectives you perceive is a slight pinch, you don't even spot it because resembling most women you are in recent times so humiliated lay at hand undressed beside your foot up contained by stirrups, but we adjectives jump through it and it is over surrounded by a few minutes. but it is high-status for helping peak for cancer or other infections.

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